We had the good fortune of connecting with Hannah Webb and Maddi Meglic and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Hannah and Maddi, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
It happened very organically. Before pottery became a business for us, it was a hobby that we enjoyed doing together in between our full-time jobs. We found that we made a well-balanced team and really flourished in how life-giving working together was. We started by selling a handful of items to friends and family, then Hannah’s brother took a chance on retailing some of our products through his own small business. We slowly added in pop-ups and farmer’s markets and from there it felt like the right move to see what could happen if we went all in. We both have family members and friends who own successful small businesses, so we sought their advice and looked to their example. They helped give us the courage to take a risk on something we had only ever dreamed of, but never expected to become a reality.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Kindred Makery is made up of best friends Hannah Webb and Maddi Meglic. Together we make handmade, small-batch pottery with the intention of bringing people together. We strive for a balance of functionality and beauty in all of our work. Functionality in the sense that our pots are made to be used and held often. They are designed to serve their purpose well, standing the test of time and being passed between friends and loved ones. The beauty we seek is a timeless one. Our pots are neutral in tone and simple in design because we want them to look like they belong in any home at any time. Our desire is that they will inspire togetherness – be it a vase of flowers given to a loved one, a sweet conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee, or a lengthy meal eaten at the table with family.

We feel strongly about using our art to inspire communal experiences because to a large degree, community is part of our identity as a business and our journey of how we became one. We chose the word Kindred because it embodies these ideas. Just as Anne in “Anne of Green Gables” uses the term kindred spirits to refer to people she feels a natural connection with, we know that we are able to do what we love every single day because of the support we have received and continue to receive from the community around us. Just as our business is founded in friendship, between both the two of us and also our strong support system, we want to to extend this to our customers through the products we make.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We are so grateful to live and work in Travelers Rest, so many of our favorite spots to spend time are close by. To start the day, we’d either be at Tandem for a crepe, or Bridge City TR for a latte. From there we’d go for a walk or bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail, stopping at Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery for a sandwich. A fun afternoon activity would include either a trip to Sassafrass Flower Farm to pick a bouquet, Makers Co. to check out some local art, or Ceasar’s Head to take in the mountains. If we needed an afternoon pick me up, you’d find us at Daydrinkers in between. For dinner, Chicora Alley’s TR location has our favorite nachos and margaritas!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are so many, its hard to narrow it down! We mentioned Hannah’s brother, Jeremy Webb, and his small business Revival Butchery. He has been so generous to us in so many ways, from selling our first mugs to opening up his space to us to giving us endless advice and encouragement. Also Jane Howard and her business, Jane Howard Photography. Jane has been a mentor to both of us in ways that greatly exceed business advice, although she’s provided plenty of that, too. The list goes on, and it feels impossible to narrow it down. We’ve made so many supportive friends along the way, from other artists to coffee shop owners to flower farmers and so many others. We are forever grateful for our village.

Website: www.kindredmakery.com

Instagram: @kindred_makery

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.