We had the good fortune of connecting with Frances Morris and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Frances, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I wanted To create a relaxing space where I deliver relaxation and results to all my clients. I love to use medical grade products and treatments but it’s also so important to me to incorporate facial massage, neck, chest and arm massage to give the full Linen Studios experience.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I have been an Esthetician for 5 years now and it’s been quite the journey. I’ve worked at day spas and I’ve worked at medical Esthetics Spas and they both have so much to offer. I found Myself always wishing I could Create my own protocol and treatment plans as opposed to having to follow the company procedure which I didn’t always agree with. I always thought “man if I could be on my own and make my own treatments, product lines and protocol that would be my true dream.” It always felt out of reach because it takes so much to start and that’s the overwhelming part! I think I’m most proud of how I’ve created a special client experience. I want To get to know each one of my clients and build relationships with them. I care About their lives and want to be part of their monthly self care and I’m honored that my ladies let me do that for them! When you come into Linen Studios you automatically relax. Leave all the stress and e-mails outside and come in a let me take care of you and your skin, I promise you will look and feel amazing! I know In a time where people are pulling back on self care expenses you can’t forget that it’s really a necessity to take care of your body and allow yourself to recharge so you have the energy to get through those crazy weeks! The thing I always say is “com to Linen Studios for relaxation and results” and I mean It every time.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There have been so many people along the way that have supported me and truly motivated me to keep going when it felt impossible. I would love to shout-out my mom, Jackie Morris who has given my the best support and advice. I can Always go to her with ideas or issues and we talk through them and figure out the best course of action! I would also like to shoutout Jennette Mousseau who really brought me into the space I’m in and gave me financial support and amazing business advice. She’s owned her own salon for years and she knows business!! These are my main two ladies I keep I’m contact with and talk things through with and I love Them dearly!

Website: www.vagaro.com/linenstudios

Instagram: linenstudiosgvl

Facebook: Linen Studios

Image Credits
Photo credit to *The Powerly

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