Meet Fran Knudsen | Coffee Shop Owner

We had the good fortune of connecting with Fran Knudsen and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Fran, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
Risk is often thought of in terms of reward. If something is high risk, it can have a high reward. As a small business owner, taking the risk of investing your money, time, and energy into a business is extremely risky and the statistics prove there is a very large chance you won’t make it past your second year of business. When you take a step back to look at the whole picture, however, you realize that financial gain is not the only goal of being a business owner. While it is important to aim for a profit and the ability to continue operating, there are lots of rewards that aren’t talked about as much. You are rewarded by trying to pursue your dream, You are rewarded with a new skill set you wouldn’t have if you didn’t try to own and operate your own business. You are rewarded with fulfillment as a person doing something they love. You are rewarded with happy customers and employees. You are rewarded by others for carving your own path. Taking risks is the only way to grow as a person, and business owners take risks every single day. We are on this path of constant growth and evolution that is so valuable to our own development because we took the risk to create our own career path. When I think of risks, I make sure to map out (and remind myself of) ALL of the rewards that could come with it. Money is clearly important, but it isn’t everything. Rewards show up in all sorts of ways if we seek them.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Looking back at the person I was when I started this business helps me to continue pushing forward. I opened a coffee shop at 23 with a lot of passion and not a lot of planning if we’re being honest. I was googling “how to….” at least five times a day and learning how to piece it together. I have learned how to run a cohesive supply chain, how to hire and (unfortunately) fire, how to create and implement marketing plans, how to operate day-to-day tasks of a business, and how to engage with customers on a personal level. I have also learned a lot about myself in the process of overcoming the obstacles I face. You have to know how to handle chaos with a calm demeanor because your staff looks at you to be the leader in those scenarios. You have to learn how to minimize the damage inflicted by things beyond your control (burst pipes are a good example of this one…). You have to also know when to call for help. We are human! We can’t do it all on our own, no matter how much we don’t want to admit that. I strive for transparency in what I do, and I think that sets my brand apart. I try to be honest with my team and customers while also engaging with them on a personal level to support connection within my community. I am always happiest to see employees pop into work on their day off for a coffee – how cool to have created a space that people who work there want to return on days they aren’t even required to! I love when customers tell us sweet stories of their memories in blūm – whether it’s a baby’s first steps (many tears shed at this one!) or the choice to quit a toxic job. We don’t just serve coffee, we create community.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I think Columbia, SC is a really cool city to visit. It has lots of hidden gems that don’t get enough credit! If you want to stay in style, Hotel Trundle is your spot. For outdoor activities, the Riverwalk is a great place to mosey down by the water. Main Street has some stellar restaurants, drink spots, and cute shops. A drink at Hendrix rooftop, dinner at Hampton Street Vineyard, and dessert at the Robinson Room is a wonderful evening itinerary! City Grit in the Vista area offers some of the best food I have ever eaten. The public library on Assembly Street is gorgeous inside – offering five floors of windows, indoor trees, and even boasts a little cafe as well. The art museum on Main Street always has great collections rotating inside. If you want great shopping with local boutiques, the Devine District has the best stores to wander around in and you can fuel up with coffee from blūm before you shop!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My family and friends have been so wonderful at supporting me through all of the ups and downs that come with being a business owner. There are so many things that happen that knock you down, and it’s crucial to have a team of people to rely on that can help build you back up.
Instagram: blum_coffee_cola