We had the good fortune of connecting with Forrest Marie Fortier and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Forrest Marie, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
Camden Art Shoppes, LLC is founded by 3 artists Forrest Fortier, Johna Esterberg, and Barbara Fincher. The vision was to establish a venue in Camden for artist to show and sell their art in a casual marketplace that was affordable. The founding members purposefully did not add gallery to our name as many people will not even venture in thinking they cannot afford it. Gifts and fine crafts all hand made we added so there is something for everyone. Our prices range from $2.00 to $25,000.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I started dabbling in art at a young age. My great Grandmother was a professional artist and trained at Chicago Art Institute. I wanted to emulate her but did not have the support to be an artist entrepreneur. I chose to take the route of art as a hobby, and I became a nurse. Nursing is an art and a science, so I was able to use my talent in many different ways in my professional career as a nurse. After 30 years of nursing, I retired disabled and turned to art as my therapy. Art has become a vital part of my life on a daily basis. I became involved with several galleries and art guilds in the midlands soaking in as much info as I could. I experimented with different fine crafts and art to find what I can do to make my art unique and different from the traditional arts. My disabilities limit my mobility and flexibility, so I focus on art each day based on my abilities for the day. There are many days that I drop a paint brush on my art, but I keep going turning a mistake into a happy accident. I found that using watercolor or colored pencils I can get more detail when I need it and can erase for any mistakes. So now I paint with water media (pencils, graphite, watercolor, gouache, and water mixable oil to achieve my goals in one piece of art. I have expanded to creating sculptures (clay and fiber) as well. Both clay and fiber art help to strengthen my fingers and continues as my therapy. Today, I still see my art as therapy. Camden Art Shoppes was created to be a location that other artists can come together, paint, learn and from each other. It is a place that brings me joy.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Camden, South Carolina is small quaint town with the icon of the King Haigler Clock Tower. Camden was formed in the 1700’s with the help of a Native American who was affectionately called King Haigler. Camden is also the oldest inland city in America and was very instrumental in the revolutionary war giving America independence. So many days when you come to downtown Camden there are flags with 50 stares and 13 stars lining the street.

Spend a day downtown in the art and cultural district. Camden has 8 gallery venues to explore art and decor from many SC artists and more. If interested in antiques, there are several venues within Camden Downtown. And of course, we have cute little boutiques for women and children where you can find your next Carolina Cup or Colonial cup Steeplechase races outfit and hat. Lunch and dinner venues in Camden downtown are plentiful as well. We have Saluds, a Mexican style restaurant in the middle of the TenEleven Galleria, where Camden Art Shoppes is also located.

The next day, one could travel to many of the historic sites like the Revolutionary War Center, The Archives Museum, the Battle Fields, the racetrack, or some of the old homes in the 9 districts of Camden.

For a day with nature there are many natural areas, like Goodale Strate Park, Kendal Park or Kendal Lake all within minutes from the downtown.

In 2026 we will have the King Haigler Hotel when guests can stay right downtown in the cultural district. The Hotel will have 50 rooms, a restaurant and more boutiques all across the street from TenEleven Galleria where Camden Art Shoppes is located.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
We structured Camden Art Shoppes, LLC to have space on site for studio artists. The studio artists spend one to two days at the shoppes demonstrating their art as well as answering any questions customers may have about any of the 75 artists. Since Camden Art Shoppes has no employees, the operational hours are managed by the studio artists. The shout out goes to the studio artists Judy Watts, Benira Sutphin, Lucie Bergeron, Jeff Weese, Julie Weese, and Evie DeBandi. The LLC is governed by a board founded by the initial members. Shout out to the board members include Johna Esterberg, Evie DeBandi, Gwen DeBandi, Don Beasley and Benira Sutphin.

Website: https://CamdenArtShoppes.com

Instagram: CamdenArtShoppes

Facebook: CamdenArtShoppes

Image Credits
Forrest Marie Fortier – all photos

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.