We had the good fortune of connecting with Ertugrul Ertuc and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ertugrul, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
Embarking on the journey of starting my own business was fueled by a deep-seated desire for financial freedom and a conviction that my efforts should directly contribute to shaping my financial destiny. The thought process behind this decision was multi-faceted.

First and foremost, the traditional employment model often seemed limiting in terms of financial growth. I yearned for a path where my dedication and hard work directly translated into tangible rewards. The concept of financial freedom became a beacon, guiding me to create a venture that could not only sustain my lifestyle but also provide the flexibility to explore opportunities and passions beyond the constraints of a 9-to-5 job.

Moreover, the autonomy that comes with running one’s own business was a driving force. The ability to make strategic decisions, chart the course for growth, and witness the direct impact of my choices on the business’s success or failure was empowering. This level of control was instrumental in shaping the vision of financial freedom, where I could steer the ship towards prosperity and choosing Real Estate for this was one of my best decisions ever.

The pursuit of financial freedom is also intricately tied to the idea of creating value. Starting a business allowed me to bring a unique offering to the market, solving problems or fulfilling needs in a way that resonated with my clients. This not only provided a sense of purpose but also became a key driver for sustained financial success – a virtuous cycle where the more value I created, the more financial freedom I could attain.

Additionally, the unpredictability of the corporate landscape and the realization that relying solely on a job for financial security might not be foolproof played a significant role. Building a business represented a form of diversification – a way to create multiple streams of income, thereby strengthening my financial foundation against economic uncertainties.

In the mean time, the thought process behind starting my own business for the pursuit of financial freedom was a deliberate and strategic choice. It involved a commitment to autonomy, a desire to create value, and a recognition that traditional employment might not offer the level of control and financial potential that entrepreneurship could provide. The journey has been challenging. I had so many different types of struggles both mentally and financially but it started paying off with all the hard work and efforts in time. In the me the prospect of achieving lasting financial freedom continues to drive my entrepreneurial spirit.

I am not in the place that I like to be yet, but hopefully best has yet to come with more and more of my hard work, discipline and dedication.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I have come a long way, from not knowing a single word of English in 2009 to becoming one of the Top Real Estate Agents in Montgomery County, Maryland, in 2023. When I arrived in the States in 2009, my primary goal was to learn English and, if possible, establish a life here. I faced significant financial and mental challenges, standing alone in a foreign country without anyone’s help, but I was determined to work everything out.

I am most proud of the progress I’ve made over the years, transforming my life forever. If you were to ask me the two traits that helped me the most in this process, I would say Discipline and Perseverance. It was not easy, especially in the beginning when I was on my own. However, those challenging times had a profound impact on shaping the person I am today. I now appreciate everything I have more because of those hardships, motivating me to strive for more continually.

I am very excited about the next chapter of my life as my real estate business expands, reaching out to more people every day. Meanwhile, I want to continue sharing my background and story to inspire those who may be currently struggling, just as I did back in the day. My journey can serve as an example for many who start with nothing but are dedicated to working hard with tremendous effort to achieve their American Dream.

As for my brand, everyone knows me as Ertuce, a blend of my name and last name. I am a full-time Real Estate Agent in Montgomery County, Maryland, a Real Estate Investor, and a Social Media Creator. Specializing in Residential Homes and Investment Properties, I bring a unique perspective with a degree in Civil Engineering, understanding all aspects of home construction, and an MBA in finance, enabling me to evaluate a home’s investment potential. As an experienced agent, I know what it takes to have a successful transaction, whether buying, selling, or renting. My buyers appreciate my ability to identify potential physical problems in a property, and my sellers value my skills in promoting their properties on social media.

Real estate is not just about skill for me; it’s about connecting with people and helping them reach their goals. I am dedicated and hard-working, providing the highest level of real estate service with honesty and helpfulness.

My brand reflects my personality and character. I offer people honest, real, and helpful insights to assist them in their journeys. To our readers, I want to convey that I am here to help in the best way possible with my hard work and dedication. If you need assistance with your real estate journey, don’t hesitate to reach out. Also, feel free to follow and support my social media if you are interested in real estate and enjoy road trips. I share useful information on my Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
The DC – DMV area offers an abundance of exciting activities. Let me share some of my favorites in detail. First and foremost, a stroll through the National Mall is a must, providing a view of iconic monuments and buildings such as the US Capitol, the White House, the Washington Monument, and the Smithsonian, among others. Depending on your plans, consider taking a tour of the Capitol and the White House. For a delightful dining experience, my top recommendation is the Barcelona & Spanish Tapas Restaurant, with locations on Wisconsin Ave, near the magnificent National Cathedral, and in the U Street neighborhood. Don’t forget to add the National Cathedral to your list; it’s a spectacular structure inside and out.

Continuing from the National Cathedral area, Georgetown is a must-see with its historic homes, charming streets, and the iconic Georgetown University Complex. Notable restaurants in Georgetown include “Bodega” and “El Centro.”

From Georgetown, take a boat taxi to Alexandria for a scenic tour on the Potomac River. Alexandria, a historic and charming town in Virginia, offers great restaurants and local spots. Landini Brothers is a top pick for dining. Returning to Georgetown, catch a show at the Kennedy Center, depending on what plays are being featured.

DC is a haven for museum lovers, with many iconic museums offering free or affordable admission. My personal favorite is the Air and Space Museum, featuring spacecraft, rockets, and flight-related artifacts. After exploring the museums, head to the W Hotel Roof Top, across from the White House, for a fantastic view.

For a unique experience, catch a show at the Shakespeare Theatre in DC and wander around Downtown to immerse yourself in the vibes of the city. Dining at Ottoman Taverna, one of my favorite restaurants in downtown, offers delightful Turkish and Mediterranean dishes in a lovely ambiance.

When it comes to DC’s nightlife, bars, and music scene, Dupont Circle and U Street neighborhoods are the places to be. They showcase the vibrant offerings of DC.

Lastly, before concluding our delightful week, I would share the unique method of finding addresses in DC using grid numbers and letters, a skill I appreciate and find fascinating.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
When delving into history, we often use the terms AC (After Christ) and BC (Before Christ) to denote specific timelines. Personally, my historical markers are AC and BC as well, but with a contemporary twist – referring to the eras before and after Covid.

I’d like to give a shoutout to the Covid times, a period that brought about dramatic changes in my life. Like many others, the pandemic had a profound impact on my life, forcing a reevaluation of priorities and revealing what truly matters. It served as a significant mentor, guiding me to take meaningful steps in my life. Despite the numerous challenges, these changes have ultimately been for the better.

On a personal note, I want to express my gratitude to my thoughtful and amazing wife. Throughout the highs and lows, she has been a constant source of support and belief. In moments of uncertainty, she became my steady anchor, providing a rational harbor during life’s storms. Her encouragement wasn’t mere words; it was a harmonious symphony of respect and unwavering faith that echoed in every endeavor.

I also want to highlight an app that played a pivotal role in my life during the Covid lockdown. Engaging with educational and informative content on TikTok fueled my personal growth. This app became a catalyst for positive change, redirecting my life towards the pursuit of financial freedom.

Additionally, there’s a book that I believe everyone should read for insights into entrepreneurship and financial freedom – “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book had a transformative effect on my financial outlook, and for that, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Robert.

Website: https://ertuce.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ertuce.tv/

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/ertugrulertuc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ertuce.tv/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ertuce

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@ertuce

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.