We had the good fortune of connecting with Emily Fincher and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Emily, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
The topic of “work-life-balance” is so interesting to talk about because it looks vastly different for people of all backgrounds pursuing any career. For myself, this balance has had to adjust over time as I have grown in the various parts of my life. Whether it is related to my business, motherhood, or simply being a friend, balance is the one thing I have had to keep an open-mind with. When I tell people that I am a single parent running a full-time business, more times than not, they cock their head to the side and say, “that sounds like a lot!” I can say with full confidence that yes, it is a lot, but that is why the role of “work-life-balance” is ranked high within the hierarchy of my personal life. As I grow into the third year of my business, it looks different from my first year and I have had to take any failures or mistakes and turn them into growing moments that I can apply in the future. (Note: This is a lot easier said than done!) Mindset is key because once you start working for balance, it starts working for you in return.

What should our readers know about your business?

I am the owner and lead strategist of Social Haus. We are a full service digital marketing agency that exists to help share the stories of fellow business owners through online strategies, various services, and much more. I started Social Haus in 2020 following what I like to call a, “coming-of-age” moment in life. I called my best friend Tiffany and told her “I’m going to start a business and I know that sounds crazy, but I can do this and I am going to do it.” Being the human she is, Tiffany said “go for it” and the rest is history.

It’s always so funny to answer the question, “what sets you apart from others” because I believe in the power of community and have found myself sitting down with fellow business owners in the marketing industry asking them “how did you get started”, “who are your dream clients”, and questions surrounding their journey. I think there is something to be said about recognizing others in your industry without a competitor’s advantage attached. Doing this, I believe people are open to new business perspectives, systems, and it can become a full-circle moment. So, technically, this is what sets us apart.

As I reflect over the last two years, I have to say I am most proud of the tenacity of my team and business. I began my small business with a used computer and an incredible amount of tenacity. It has been the driving force and inspiration that has kept us going through hard seasons and every time we come out on top stronger, smarter, and ready to take on more. I couldn’t be more proud of that!

One of the biggest challenges for our business was finding our target demographic. I was naive to the idea that this demographic would shift as the business grew and it was a little intimidating when I came to this realization. I think back to a moment I had in 2021 where I was booking clients for the next quarter and realized, “holy sh*t…I am growing out of this pool of people.” Growth is a fickle experience because on the one hand you are excited to embrace it and what can come behind it, but on the other hand you are terrified of the unknown. I have learned to embrace the change, move with the waves, and enjoy the journey as long as you can!

If there is one thing I want the world to know about Social Haus and our brand it is this: we care about your story because we care about ours. We don’t sell the idea that we are a stagnant business, but that we are adjusting and growing. We want to grow alongside our clients because we both deserve that opportunity. It becomes a personal journey where we are able to truly connect with our clients, understand them past their business, and help them grow into the best versions of themselves. I will always be my clients biggest cheerleader and that is something that will never stop!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

Oh, you are in for a treat! Greenville, South Carolina is jokingly called an “up and coming city” and as much as that is funny, it is true. We are constantly opening new restaurants, cocktail bars, music venues, and experiences that you can’t find just anywhere. The biggest selling point to Greenville is its proximity to the mountains, beaches, and surrounding cities – possibilities and quite endless, but let me share my dream itinerary:

Mornings would begin with a cup of coffee sourced from a local roaster. This coffee can be found at Methodical Coffee, Unlocked Roasters, Daydrinkers, or The Village Grind (just to name a few.) Breakfast would include a bacon and egg sandwich on stecca bread from The Swamp Rabbit Cafe and a walk along the Swamp Rabbit Trail. After this walk, an afternoon spent venturing the West End of Greenville would include shopping at Sovereign, a plant store, or Carolina Soma, where you can shop custom-designed fashion wear. Lunch would include any eating options at The Commons including Automatic Taco or Golden, Brown, and Delicious. Afternoon adventures are endless whether you are hiking Caesar’s Head or driving over to Charleston for a quick beach day-trip. The night would end at one of our highly ranked restaurants including Keipi, Coral, or Comal 864. Then, the best way to end the night is with a nightcap at one of our specialty cocktail bars including Swordfish, Society, or The Rabbit Hole.

Again, in Greenville, possibilities are endless so if you are ever in town hit me up and I can be your guide!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I owe a lot of my personal self and business to the people in my life who have stood by my side and poured into my dreams to help me make them a reality. I owe this first to my mother, Susie, who has also been a guiding light in my life. She moves with an endless amount of grace and is always ready to help me fight for the things in my life. I also want to highlight my best friend, Tiffany, who is also a business owner. I have known her for over five years and we have walked through so many seasons of life including parenthood, beginning a business, heartbreak- you name it, we have walked through it. She has taught me so much patience and empathy which helps keep me grounded. The last person I have to dedicate a shout-out to is my mentor and second-sister, Missy. Missy has known me since I was twenty three and has helped me navigate motherhood, owning a business, and more than she knows. I have always looked up to her and following in her footsteps is an honor I do not take lightly. These three women have shaped me into who I am and it is a privilege to carry what they have taught me into my everyday life.

Website: www.staysocialhaus.com

Instagram: @staysocialhaus

Facebook: /socialhausmarketingagency

Image Credits
Anna Duncan (Anna Duncan Photography)

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