We had the good fortune of connecting with Elizabeth Harvey and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Elizabeth, how does your business help the community?
Strong communities are the lifeblood of any town. Nothing has brought it to the forefront like the 2020 Pandemic. We were all forced to look at our physical and emotional limitations – and cope as best we could. For many that led to mental health decline and weight gain – eventually causing economic struggle. Renewal is a judgment-free zone! I too struggled with those same issues. I realized too late that it doesn’t matter if you’re eating “low fat” popcorn when you stress eat three bags at a time! I gained over 20 pounds, my back began hurting, I couldn’t sleep, had brain fog – the works. But…it wasn’t “bad enough” to make changes in my lifestyle. Until my reality check. In the fall of 2022, a tumor was found at the base of my spine. I felt so bad at this point: back pain, fatigue, neuropathy, shortness of breath, that I thought I had bone cancer. I realized that I had to start prioritizing my health. Thankfully, it is benign and the last MRI showed it is not growing so we can leave it alone. I have been making my health a priority and lost over 80 inches and 22 pounds this year and I feel better than ever! Now I can be my best and have the strength to build a community of wellness.
What made the difference? A comprehensive approach. Change is HARD! On every level and every aspect. But on the flip side, so is not making the necessary changes so you can live in health and enjoy your life. We appreciate those levels of commitment at Renewal and strive to support lifestyle medicine – lasting change. Our modalities and protocols are so special that I travel all over the world sharing with other healthcare practitioners.
So let’s ask this question, “are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?” We have real solutions! As for my personal journey, this included red/infrared light therapy, mild hyperbaric therapy, supplements, cycle syncing, and intermittent fasting. This was combined with colleagues praying with me, cheering me on, and standing by my side with accountability. All great ingredients for a successful journey into change and a huge part of our success at Renewal.
It’s easier to stay well than to get well. We have clients from every walk of life, but mainly hard-working, dedicated women with problems like fatigue, brain fog, hormone dysregulation, pain, troublesome fat, and skin issues. These are things that can be a symptom deeper issues and underlying problems like gut health and chronic stress.
At Renewal, we strive to look at people as a whole – not just a single problem. This is a big difference from traditional, Western medicine. When you come here, you are not a “back pain patient”, you are a whole person with a symptom. But we want to know how is your sleep, mental health, sex life, and bowel movements! It’s rarely one thing contributing to an issue. So, we take a comprehensive approach with each client. We don’t take for granted that there are a lot of options out there. Patient wellness is our number one priority!
The feedback I get is that clients are frustrated with more pills…and no solution. We heal from the inside out – at the cellular level. Through natural modalies – no pain, no downtime with incredible results. As that person feels positive changes, they bring in their loved ones. You share what you love! Word of mouth is our greatest marketing tool. Each person in our community is an individual and we can’t have strong communities without healthy people. Strength for Life!

What should our readers know about your business?
Renewal Therapeutics exists to give women the strength they need to face the many daily challenges we encounter! Nothing gives us more pleasure than seeing our clients transform into the best version of themselves – stronger, more at peace, healthier. Whether it is someone who is on the other side of breast cancer or a woman looking for help to overcome menopausal fallout – we are here to offer real solutions. How do we do it? I built the clinic I needed to treat my own problems: Covid weight gain, neck and back pain, poor sleep, and the list goes on…I had run myself into the ground, trying to keep everything around me afloat at the cost of my personal physical, and mental well-being. A lot of investigation and research went on behind the scenes to combine the right tools to improve common problems like leakage (stress or urge incontinence), sagging skin, pain, gut health, mental health, sleep, hormone regulation, weight gain, abdominal wall separation, remove toxins, and decrease inflammation. I have over 20 years of practice as a physical therapist and women’s health specialist, and we are very passionate about health – spirit, soul, and body!
We are really proud to be the first hyperbaric chamber in Berkeley County! Dr. Harvey holds advanced certification in hyperbaric from the International Undersea Board of Medicine (IBUM); one of three physical therapists to accomplish this in the world. Oxygen therapy is a very special way to heal even DNA to promote stem cells, brain health, and hormone regulation. It is our cacoon – a place of rest and repair.
Life is hard, and there is no “finish line” to our health. We want Renewal to be a refuge from the storm. When our clients walk in, we want them to feel as important and empowered as we see them. “Strength for Life” is our very intentional byline. Consistency and encouragement are our foundation for successful living.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
We live in such a beautiful place. It’s not by accident we are now the third fastest-growing county in the United States! Renewal is located in the center of Berkeley County, making us accessible to Summerville, Goose Creek, Moncks Corner, and Charleston residents. We’re girls…so one of our favorite things to do is shop! Some of the local boutiques offer a wide variety of temptations: Simply Southern, Southern Fashionista, and Three Chics, to name a few. Fleet Feet is a trusted source for getting the right foundation! They comprehensively evaluate your walking pattern and foot position to provide the right footwear. This has been very helpful in my personal wellness journey as I have increased the pace of my walking workout. As we age, the impact of exercise can increase joint damage. I am grateful for their expertise in helping our Reneal clients truly get off on the right foot! Hotworx is a unique experience that combines the benefits of sauna with different physical exercises.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Community builds community! We wouldn’t be here without the support of our loyal customers, other businesses, and the people in our circle of life. First, I can not say enough about my dedicated, compassionate staff. I count my blessings every day. They are strong women, committed to ensuring every client has the best experience possible when they are with us. Elaine Morgan with the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce has been very encouraging and has acted as a mentor and champion for this adventure! Her early involvement and support have been invaluable on a personal level. She is a strong leader in the community and believes in helping others grow into their full potential
Is it okay to say “mom and dad”?! Seriously, they have helped with everything from moving furniture, painting, planting flowers, and whatever else is needed. They are patrons and also advocate for a holistic approach to health. And they believe in what we are doing at Renewal.

Website: www.renewaltherapeutics.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renewal843/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085355686586

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.