We had the good fortune of connecting with Ebonee and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ebonee, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
As one of many who suffer from mental illness, I started my creative journey to help me with PTSD. I needed something to help channel that energy into something beautiful. I started with crochet back in 2013 and gradually added other creative outlets like candle making, jewelry making, custom gifts,healing natural products, and yoga. An idle mind is a dangerous mind, and when you’re battling mental illness, having a creative outlet is one tool I truly believe to be a lifesaver.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I love to crochet, I didn’t even know how much I’d really enjoy it until I started seeing my work coming to life. I can crochet clothes, blankets, hats, you name it I can crochet it. If I don’t know how to, I will find a way. My favorite things to crochet are dolls and clothing. I make healing copper jewelry as well, I love the properties of the copper and combining them with healing crystals to fully get the max benefit from it. I’m also in the process of starting my yoga business as a teacher. Yoga helped me with PTSD and helped me heal from a lot of pain and trauma, I want to teach others the ways yoga can help change their lives on every level because it’s universal. I will be offering guided meditations, yoga classes (solo, couples, children’s, elderly)Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the weak, there are times things will not be what you expect, some days you make more money, others you make less. There will be times you may question if you want to go on, times you may question your work because of lack of support. The key to that is to not let those thoughts take over. It’s ok to feel what you feel but you can’t absorb those thoughts and allow it to stop you from what you work hard for. That’s one big lesson I learned along the way and that lesson can also be applied in many ways in our lives as well. Feel what you feel, but once you’re done feeling it… Leave it where it’s at and DON’T LOOK BACK. I’ve overcome so much in these 35 years, I want the world to know that no matter what you face in life, you can get through anything as long as you don’t give up on yourself. My brand is meant to promote happiness, peace, confidence, healing no matter the form you receive from me. I add extra love in all of my products, and will speak life and love to the students I will teach. The many forms of my brand will be fuel for the soul.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I’m a Georgia girl so a favorite spot for me in downtown Atlanta is “Busy Bee Cafe” in the heart of the AUC. Their soul food is amazing. “Yo chef what’s cooking” is another really good restaurant. My sister took me to ICENY Ice Cream spot in Doraville once and they made rolled ice cream, my favorite was the strawberry cheesecake one and it came with a thin crispy waffle in the cup. It was so delicious. I’m a big foodie, it’ll be hard to get me to stop if you get me started lol.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d like to shout out an amazing woman for the honor of blessing me with this opportunity Meghan Smith. She’s a beautiful woman who really loves to help heal and spread love to those who need it. She’s been so helpful with sending me information and dropping gems of knowledge that I was interested in. I’m thankful for the connection with her because her light has always been right on time.

My children for being the biggest inspiration for all that I do. I couldn’t do it without them, and I hope that one day they will be proud of me.

My cousin Gigi for being there when I needed to talk, for helping me see the bigger picture sometimes when the dark tried to put out my light in life. She was definitely a big supporter and gave me the extra love when I needed it most.

My brothers Dominique and Aaron got being the biggest supporters, and giving me extra love when things got tough. They always reminded me to keep going they’d advertise my work, send customers to me and give me feedback on products. My brothers mean the world to me, I’d be lost without them.

My dad who was a big supporter when I needed supplies, spreading the word on my work as well.

A college friend who was the first supporter before things ever got to where they are now LuLu. She believed in my dream and helped me with starting things up. I’ll always be thankful for her and her support.
A few other names to thank, Jared J., Anthony L., Sharod R., Amanda W, Rachael W, Rhonda I, Vanessa I, Micah D, Jeffery R., Nastassja M. Thank you guys for the support.

Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/dacreativewhisperer

Other: Tik Tok: dacreativewhisperer

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.