We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Verlisha Goins and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr. Verlisha, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
It’s really true what they say about working for yourself, it’s non stop and you literally eat, sleep and breathe your brand. However, since starting my own business and giving up my W2 job, I’ve felt the most free I’ve ever felt. I have complete control over my schedule and can be there for my patients while also being present for my kids. I think the most important factor is communication. Being open and upfront with my patients have allowed them to be very understanding when I need to be off. Being strategic and planning ahead has also been paramount in keeping my patients happy and taken care of. I prefer the term work life harmony because I don’t think the two can ever be “balanced” since one means more to me than the other, but they must be able to work together in harmony and I think I’m starting to master that along the way. I truly want my patients to understand I’m human just like them and inspire them to prioritize themselves.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My business was truly birthed so that I can fulfill my purpose of helping others while continuing to grow at my own pace. I believe what sets me apart from others is that I am ok with the slow and steady growth of my business. I’m not quick to push the next new trend on my patients. I assess the needs as a whole and figure out ways to bring that to them. I also enjoy giving back to my community. My goal is to start a non profit that is an extension of my current business but focusing on the youth and helping them develop skills that will help them grow and become an asset to society as adults.

I am most proud of my desire to be unique and not paralyzed by what others think my business should look like. I got where I am today by writing my plans down and bringing them to fruition. It has not been an easy journey but I believe having the support of my husband and kids has helped me overcome any challenges I’ve faced. Also knowing that one set back doesn’t equal the end and staying positive.

I would like the world to know that my brand was created because I really want to play a pivotal part in helping women and men alike, feel their best and look their best. Don’t let society dictate the norm for you. Be you, and do what it takes to be the best you!

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
What a great question. I’m such a home body but if my friend was visiting for a week we’d have brunch at Ruby sunshine, Cafe Strudel or Breakfast at Ruiz to name a few. We would grab lunch and drinks at cantina 76 and we would have to visit the Skin House for some social skin care. For dinner we would hit Halls chophouse and lastly Sophisticated Wellness for some IV therapy to ensure we replenish our cells with quality vitamins and fluids. If you want to know about the kid friendly spots this list may be longer next time (insert laugh here) 😂

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My husband deserves some credit for sure. He’s been so supportive despite the hardships I’ve endured along the way and never doubted my dreams. I appreciate him never being a “yes man” and always keeping it real. He gives me sound advice, listens even when he doesn’t want to, and picks up where I lack. He has always believed in me and it’s because of him that I am able to keep pushing through ! My kids also deserve credit because they share me without complaint with all of my patients. My oldest daughter is even an official team member now. My family is my why!

Website: https://Sophisticatedskinbeauty.com

Instagram: Sophisticated.wellness

Facebook: Sophisticatedskinb

Youtube: DrVeeNP

Image Credits
Photography: Nothing Ordinary Events

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