Meet Dr. Shannon Joy | Entrepreneur, Doctor, Educator, Mom

We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Shannon Joy and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Dr. Shannon, what role has risk played in your life or career?
Taking risks is a necessary component to growth and evolution. I used to be afraid to take risks, and I’ve learned that NOT taking risks is the quickest way to mediocrity. I took a “risk” a little over one year ago, when I made a cross country move after huge life shifts including a career pivot, a divorce, and navigating the start of single parenthood with a toddler, to start over in South Carolina. I sold everything that I owned, using the money to pay for gas and my first month’s apartment deposit, and I made the move with only the items I could fit in my van. I decided to start over completely and build the life that I desired for both my daughter and me. I could not be prouder of the courage that I had to take that “risk”, not knowing exactly what the outcome would be, but trusting and having faith that I would be open to the opportunities ahead. A little over one year later, I am amazed at the growth and evolution that has occurred in such a short period of time and the opportunities that have presented themselves that would have never happened, had I not taken that “risk”.
The same is true in my entrepreneurial life. Every new product launch, every new video, every new cold client encounter- comes at a risk. It has taken me a long time to get comfortable with certain levels of risk- especially when I feel like I could be embarrassed or humiliated! But with each brave mini-jump I’ve taken, I grow a little more courageous and the payoff is huge. I still evaluate each risk as they present themselves, but I’ve found that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. And the ones that flop or fall flat become lessons way more often than regrets. And that just helps me grow too!
What should our readers know about your business?
At this point in my journey, I’ve recognized that my businesses and my brand involve and will continue to involve multiple streams of income in different sectors. So keeping congruent with that reality, I have developed my brand as “…with Dr. Shannon” so that I can incorporate all of the different avenues and angles into one seamless central brand, which is me! I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, a professor at Sherman College of Chiropractic, and an entrepreneur. Outside of teaching full time, I practice part-time in a private home practice in the evenings and teach continuing education seminars to doctors and students several weekends each year. I am a digital content creator and an influencer on several platforms including Amazon. Just this year I have added Monat in a brand partnership which allows me to share incredible healthy hair and skin products and also build and mentor a team of incredible women in business!
I absolutely love teaching and mentoring the future generation of chiropractors because I feel that I make the largest impact on the future of healthcare by mentoring the future doctors of the world. Having been a partner in a high-volume wellness and pediatric practice near Atlanta for several years, as well as having run the Chronic Disease Reversal Program there, I bring a wealth of real-world experience to share with future practitioners in the aspects of practice, marketing, and business. Relatedly, I was also a partner in an incredible coffee company near Atlanta, which we built from scratch, grew and sold. Following this, I launched and built my seminar and online ventures. None of these were easy, but each provided lessons that built upon each other to provide me the tools, insight, and resilience to succeed today. I’ve launched (and flopped!) multiple seminars, online efforts, real world screenings and talks, and product/offer pitches and calls. Each one offers a lesson if we can move past the initial sting of failure or rejection and work our own after-action-report. Analyzing and reevaluating the approach and process better prepares me for “next time”. Having the resilience to continue guarantees my success. These same traits and lessons inform and propel my other entrepreneurial efforts and my team mentoring.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Oh my goodness, honestly, I need someone to tell ME where to hang out! I am in a bit of a “busy era” and I am a homebody at heart; I love the simple things in life, so when I do get a little time for myself, I tend to gravitate towards curling up at home with a good book, or maybe “venturing out” (haha) to try out the local coffee shops. I do enjoy taking walks to clear my mind, and there are so many great parks around here to pick from!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are SO many people in my life that deserve a shout-out for supporting me through my journey – my mom, my brother, my Sherman College team, my best friends who I can call and act as my nonjudgmental sounding board (y’all know who you are!), my Monat team, and everyone down to the wonderful friends who check in with me on social media when I post about having a tough day – every single one of you impacts my journey and make it all possible. My daughter, Bexley, has been the biggest inspiration in my life to always work hard, set a good example, and to create and build a life that she is proud of.