We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Gabrielle Edwards and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr. Gabrielle, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I knew that since I was a little girl, I was creative, I was different, and I was a mogul in the making. I also knew that I was never made to be regular or have anybody deciding my daily tasks or the trajectory of my life for me. I personally grew up in a family that always had different ways to generate income, and I just so happened to have a niche in the beauty industry. I always loved cosmetics and playing in makeup as a kid, I even accidentally shaved my eyebrows off as a child because I though I was teaching myself how to arch eyebrows. As I got older, nails became my true first love and I have been stuck with it ever since.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Although I am a full time college professor, I vowed to myself that I would not let my full time career place me in a box. I still make custom nail press ons, and I attend esthetician school at night straight after work. So, college professor by day part time nail artist, and esthetician student by night. Thats a full schedule with minimal sleep for sure, so no, it’s not easy, and I face plenty of challenges, especially with my career. Working around people who feel as if just because you have a PhD then that’s all you’re supposed to be focused on, can be very trying, especially when its your supervisor. However, Ive learned to always be an advocate for myself and my dreams and simply refused to allow anyone or any 9-5 job to stand in the way. When I reach my beauty industry goals, I want to be known as a mogul and philanthropist in this industry, I want everyone to know my journey, where I started and how far I’ve come. I want to be a testimony to the upcoming young women of minority with dreams just like me, who have always felt that they were never given the space to be the true creative talent that they are. However, I want them to know that sometimes, you have to make the space for yourself so that you can evolve and win.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Im originally from Charleston, SC. So, of course the first stop would be downtown on King Street. Theres tons of bars and good eats. Its overall just a good southern time. A lot of people compare Charleston to New Orleans because of the cuisine. If we’re headed on king street I would definitely hit up Virginia’s on King, and if we’re going on market street I would definitely hit up Henry’s for some good ol’ alligator bites. I’m a foodie apparently. Mt. Pleasant has some good eats too like pages Okra Grille, I love the chicken livers.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My mom and dad would be the two most influential people when it comes to my success and my current journey. My mom simply because she has always been my biggest cheerleader and invested in all of my dreams for me to create and perfect my craft and become a professional at my true passions. Secondly, I would have to say my dad because he has always set an example of hard work, independence, and what it means to be your own boss. My dad has always done his best to give me the foundation educationally, financially, and morally. I owe it all to these two and God, because even though I still have a ways to go, I could not have gotten this far without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Instagram: @i_am_gabbs

Facebook: Gabrielle Edwards

Youtube: @keepingupwithgabbs2658 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6pR_qQiTw3Pz3yAq7dMSA

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