We had the good fortune of connecting with Dawn Billeci and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dawn, what do you attribute your success to?
Faith, gratitude, and persistence have been my guiding lights on this journey. I believe in consistently doing the next right thing and putting in the effort without getting too hung up on the results. I am grounded in gratitude every day for the gifts in my life; my health, my family, the freedom to do what I love. That doesn’t mean things are perfect all the time. It means I accept my circumstances and find ways to use them to learn and grow and be of service to others. To quote Sylvester Stallone’s character, Rocky Balboa, “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” I genuinely believe that. We all get knocked down sometimes. The important thing is to find the lesson in the loss and then to get back up and try again. This perspective has truly made all the difference on my journey.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

I am a holistic health expert specializing in education and curriculum development.

I am a yoga therapist and an experienced registered yoga teacher certified in many styles of yoga,as well as a continuing education provider. I also hold certifications in ayurveda, nutrition, therapeutic application of sound, and more. For  a full list of my credentials, see my website Soulshineyogaandwellness.com


In my private practice, I work with trauma survivors, and those experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTS(d), attention issues, grief, addiction recovery, cancer recovery, chronic pain, and a range of other issues. I also work privately with children and prenatal women and love working with people individually to really address their needs and goals.


In addition to working 1:1 with clients, I also LOVE to create programs tailored for specific communities. This is where my expertise in curriculum development really shines. A few projects I am really excited about right now are, The Holistic Health and Wellness Pilot Program I have launched with Horse Creek Academy, and our Veterans Yoga & Mindfulness classes at American Legion Post 26. Both these programs were started from scratch. At HCA, I am currently working with students in grades PreK – 12 as well as staff and it is amazing to share a variety of tools and practices with them and bear witness to the results. At Post 26, we offer free classes for veteran and first responder families to give back to those who have given us so much. This class was the first of its kind in Aiken and it just passed its 1-year anniversary. It has been well received by the veteran community and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the people who take the class. It is an honor to hold space for them and share what I do with them. I am so grateful for this work.

What I want people to know about my brand is that I believe in this work.

I have witnessed the transformative power of these practices in my own life and in the lives of those I’ve worked with.

I have had less pain, anxiety, and attention issues because of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and other mindfulness practices. My students continue to share amazing feedback about their results, and that is why I do what I do. Learning these practices and applying them to your own life can have a profound impact.

It was not easy getting here, and I recognize that I still have a long way to go. I am going to keep doing what I am doing, one breath at a time.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?

Aiken is a truly unique gem, boasting small-town charm, a vibrant arts and music scene, and a paradise for horse lovers. I’d start the day off with a nutritious farm fresh breakfast from my own homestead with our guests.  We would likely then venture to Hitchcock Woods for a hike or a morning trail ride with The Trail Riding Company. Ladonna, the owner, has remarkable knowledge of the woods, coupled with impeccably behaved horses, making the ride through Hitchcock a must.

The afternoon would likely lend itself to lunch from Uprooted Vegan Cuisine at a quiet picnic table in the woods after our hike or ride. After we finished, we would do some sightseeing along the historic streets of Aiken where I could show guests the dirt roads, the Aiken Training Track, and other hidden treasures of the area.  Come evening, we’d head to The Alley in Downtown Aiken, savoring some appetizers or drinks from one of the locally owned restaurants in town while enjoying the local tunes during “Amp the Alley.”

We would end the night around the firepit where the real magic happens at the Soulshine Homestead. Here, surrounded by our own gardens, we’d share meals, practice yoga,listen to acoustic music or indulge in a sound bath, and perhaps dive into an educational workshop on nutrition or essential oils. It’s a cozy haven that hints at the enchanting possibilities for future getaways—where guests can experience the charm, tranquility, and holistic wellness that make Aiken truly special.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

Shoutout to my husband. He is my rock. I owe a significant part of my success to his love and encouragement. From tirelessly assisting with event setups and breakdowns on his days off, tending to our gardens and grounds, and much more behind the scenes, he goes above and beyond without seeking recognition. I am forever grateful for his unwavering dedication, encouragement and support.

I also want to express gratitude to the Aiken County Veterans Council and American Legion Post 26, who have supported me with the development of a program to serve veterans and first responders in our community. Their backing has allowed me to make a positive impact, and the ripple effect of their support resonates far beyond what words can capture.

A special shout out to the Pink Dandelions breast cancer survivors’ group—their shared experience, strength, and faith have been a profound encouragement to me. Our work together reinforced why I am dedicated to this path. I am so grateful for their trust in me to hold space for them. In allowing me to do that, they have nurtured my growth. I am blessed to know them and work with them.

Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to Horse Creek Academy for giving me the chance to build something unique, creating a curriculum for students from pre-K to 12th grade and staff. Sharing the tools of mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and other self regulation practices with young people and the teachers who work with them has been an incredible gift.  To all the teachers, administrators, and staff at HCA who not only attend my classes but also welcome collaboration and open their classrooms to introduce students to this work—your support has been invaluable. Thank you!

Website: Soulshinyogaandwellness.com

Instagram: @soulshineyogaandwellness

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoulShineYogaAndWellness

Image Credits
E. Billeci Steve Youngblood

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.