We had the good fortune of connecting with Corey Brausch Hurley and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Corey, what’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?
“You need to wake up before the sun and hustle!”

I have found that blossoming business owners are often told they need to wake up at 4 am and grind through the night in order to make their business grow.

Granted, this advice CAN be motivating and can work for some people, but I find it contributes to burnout of the entrepreneurial spirit. The majority of the time, people want to build a business so they can work for themselves and take their time back. Time is one resource we are unable to get back once it is gone.

I have found that slow and steady, matched with potent bursts of energy is the key to successful business growth.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business started out as a side hustle… and it turned into a full-time business in a matter of 3 months! I launched my business during a time when entrepreneurs in Facebook Groups were on the hunt for Virtual Assistants – this was before “social media managers” were an official title!

After I gained a few clients, I focused on becoming “legit.” I spoke with my CPA to set myself up right tax-wise, trademarked my brand and worked with amazing lawyers on contracts and website legal. I made sure I was doing everything right.

During the early months of my business, I worked as a virtual assistant creating content, email newsletters, organizing email inboxes, organizing Instagram messages, scheduling social media posts to schedulers, creating covers for YouTube videos, handling customer support, and more. I was also working as an aerial instructor and dance teacher at some local businesses.

I loved what I built! I could do yoga in the evenings, hike in the mornings, work in the afternoons, grocery shop any day of the week – it was what I knew I wanted – to be in charge of my own time.

After my first year, I realized I couldn’t do this alone anymore – I officially needed help. I hired my very first virtual assistant. She is still with me today, 4 years later!

My business has been shaped a lot since those first few months. I’m excited to see where it continues to grow!

I had some amazing mentors who have guided me along the way – this is KEY to surviving the first five years in business.

Now you must be wondering… What makes us a unicorn in the crowded online space, especially when social media managers, social media experts, and virtual assistants are abundant? It’s all about our energy and mindset. Let me explain…

We keep it real – you don’t have to chase followers – you can increase revenue with the community you have. It’s all about raising your authority and boosting the know-like-trust factor. That’s why we spark genuine conversations in comments and DMs to help you grow a legit fan club.

We create wellness-first custom strategies!

Social media doesn’t have to be a burnout zone. We love coming up with custom strategies that honor your personality and energetic capacity, and we can implement it all for you. Mental peace + social media success? Fabulous.

We don’t just create content – we plant seeds that increase your credibility as an expert. This intentional approach draws in your ideal audience – those who don’t just engage but actively champion your brand’s vision.

Imagine what it’ll feel like when you:

Get to be on allll the platforms you love without the stress of being “on” all the time or managing one more thing.

Offload your strategy + content creation process to a skilled social media strategist & coach who stays on top of the market trends and algorithm changes.

Create trending reels in minutes, not hours, by following brand-aligned guidance + prompts.

Enjoy direct access to a social media expert ready to answer all your burning social media content creation questions.

Watch your community grow organically with “full buy-in” and become your biggest fans – without dropping thousands $$ on ads to receive followers who might never become clients.

We are here to support you on your social media journey!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would not be here today if it wasn’t for my husband, who has supported me from day one is the best brain trust, and inspires creativity each day. My parents, who have always believed in me and pushed me to be the best version of myself I could be.

I have some other particular shout-outs – my best friend Sara, who worked with me at my 9-7 “corporate” job – supported me and pushed me to make it out on my own. My first “client” Emma, who is also a CEO of a digital marketing agency – I have learned everything from her. My business besties, Sharon and Zuzana – whom I share the everyday entrepreneurial journey with…

To my team – Angelica, Morgan, and Emily. I wouldn’t have the business I do if it wasn’t for these three amazing ladies.

My late mother in law, Marilyn White Hurley – who was my best friend and a second mom. She was with me since day one, telling all of her friends and co-workers about me and how proud she was of me. She wouldn’t let me “slack” on growing my business, so I better continue making her proud!

Website: www.sevenwillowsmedia.com

Instagram: instagram.com/sevenwillows.media

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coreyabrausch/

Image Credits
Corrie Huggins Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.