We had the good fortune of connecting with Charlotte Howard Collins and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Charlotte, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
As a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, finding the right balance between my personal and professional life has been a challenging journey. When I first started my business, I struggled to juggle its demands with my responsibilities at home. However, over time, I have learned the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing my tasks, and taking time for self-care. Today, I’m proud to say that I’ve managed to achieve a better balance, one that allows me to pursue my passion while still being present for my family. I believe that the key to a successful work-life balance is finding harmony between your work and personal life, setting realistic goals for both, and being adaptable to change. I encourage all women entrepreneurs, especially those who are also mothers and wives, to find what works best for them and create a work-life balance that suits their unique needs. With diligence and commitment, achieving a healthy work-life balance is possible, and it’s the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
As a beauty salon hairstylist and manager for over two decades, I never thought that my life would take such a drastic turn. Being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome was a game-changer – I was devastated to know that I would have to give up the job that I loved. However, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. This diagnosis was a blessing in disguise, as it gave me a chance to discover my true passion – coaching women to become their best selves, amplifying their voices, and empowering them to create unstoppable wealth, influence, and a lasting legacy. Was the path to becoming a female business success coach easy? Not at all, but the difficulties that I encountered were all worth it because they taught me invaluable lessons. Now, with my best-selling books, coaching programs, and online presence, I am reaching women all over the world and sparking change. My story is one of resilience, courage, and hope, and I want everyone to know that nothing is impossible if you have the faith, grit, and determination to overcome any obstacle.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Summerville has a lot to offer and I would want to show my best friend the best time possible. For dining, we would start with brunch at Five Loaves Café, with its locally sourced ingredients and unique menu options. For drinks and atmosphere, we would hit up Icehouse, an industrial-chic brewery and taproom featuring live music on weekends. Visiting Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site offers a glimpse into the area’s past, while the Summerville Sweet Tea Trail showcases the present with tastings of the town’s signature drink at various locations. We could even take a paddleboarding excursion down the Edisto River for a little adventure. And of course, we can’t forget the incredible food scene, like the classic Southern comfort food at Boxcar Betty’s. With a week-long itinerary like this, my best friend is sure to fall in love with Summerville’s charm and hospitality just like I have.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are few things as uplifting in life as being surrounded by a supportive community that believes in you and lifts you. That’s why I am thrilled to dedicate this shout-out to all those who have supported and empowered me along the way. First and foremost, I must thank God for guiding me towards my goals and giving me the strength to persevere. My family has also been a pillar of support, always encouraging me to chase my dreams and reach for the stars. Of course, my dear friends and amazing mentors have been invaluable in shaping who I am today. And let’s not forget the extraordinary communities I am blessed to be a part of as a leader: the Wealthy Women Inner Circle, the Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs Network, the Wealthy Women Superstar Authors, the Hair Artist Association, and the Legacy Maker Sisters. To all those who have believed in me and pushed me forward, I am eternally grateful and ready to pay it forward with my empowering journey.

Website: www.charlottehowardcollins.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/coachwithcharlotte

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/charlottehoward

Twitter: www.twitter.com/charlottehoward

Facebook: www.facebook.com/charlottehoward

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/charlotteehoward

Other: www.wealthywomenentrepreneursnetwork.com

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