We had the good fortune of connecting with Cassidy Stubbs and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Cassidy, where are your from? We’d love to hear about how your background has played a role in who you are today?
I was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina. Once a small city that grew rapidly into a popular tourist destination. As a little girl I would have never guessed that my hometown would be a place that people would visit. Greenville is a beautiful city full of good people, great restaurants, and gorgeous scenery. I knew I needed to take advantage of my cities growth. At the age of 16 I started working on building a resume. I was still in high school at the time so I couldn’t jump onto a career quite yet, but I sought out new opportunities within the fine dining restaurant industry. While I was working and in school I created a side hobby in photography that later turned into something I knew I wanted to pursue in the future. Greenville was a good start, but I was eager to seek out even more opportunity. After I graduated high school I received an acceptance letter from my dream college. I am proud to say that I am currently a student at the College of Charleston majoring in Communication and double minoring in Psychology and Studio Art. For our Studio Art program you are required to pick a concentration and I chose photography. As of today I am working on pursuing a career in photojournalism. My major in Communication has helped me improve on writing, speaking, media, and research skills. My minor in Psychology has helped me understand my audience and the impact that media has on them. My minor in Studio Art has helped me develop a greater knowledge in both film and digital photography.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Photography is an art that I am truly passionate about. At the age of 14 is when I picked up my first professional camera. I had no idea what I was doing and how to work a camera at the time. I read books and watched YouTube videos and eventually developed some basic knowledge on how to use it. I practiced capturing photos in my backyard and set up studios in my room when I was younger. When I got my first job at 16 I started saving money to upgrade my camera to a nicer one. Today, I use a Nikon Z fc mirrorless camera for digital photography and a Nikon FG 20 for film photography. I occasional pull out my point and shoot Nikon L35 AF film camera when I am out and about with friends and family. I have created my own brand called “Shots by Cassidy.” I love to do self shoots, portraits of people, and capturing a few shots of landscape and architecture here and there. My self shoots and portraits are done digitally but when it comes to landscape and architecture I always shoot on film. Whenever I shoot in black and white film I like to develop it myself in one of our photo labs at the College of Charleston, but when I shoot in color I send it off to J&F Photo Lab Inc. in Los Angeles, CA to get them developed. Capturing the perfect photo is defiantly challenging and we make mistakes, but for anyone that wants to step into the field I always tell them that practice makes perfect. It took me years to develop the confidence in this profession, but it has been such a fun journey. Everyone has a different point of view which makes photography so much fun. A photograph holds memories and stories, and I always tell people that anyone can be a photographer! Pick up a camera and do not be afraid. We all have stories to tell!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Let’s first talk about my hometown Greenville, SC. There are a lot of things to do in Greenville especially for it to be a popular growing tourist destination. The heart of Downtown Greenville is where it’s at! A few of my favorite dinner restaurants would be Nose Dive, Hall’s Chophouse, and Jianna’s. After dinner, I like to go to couple of our famous rooftop bars for some drinks. Juniper, one of the rooftop bars, is located in the AC Hotel downtown. The atmosphere is incredible! When you walk inside there is colorful lighting and tons of plants hanging from the ceiling. The other bar is Up on the Roof. This rooftop lounge gives you an entire view of the city of Greenville! They also have great food as well. Aside from the night life we have some great brunch spots as well! Tupelo Honey and The Lazy Goat have an excellent brunch menu with tons of options to choose from. After brunch, I like to head over to Falls Park on the Reedy to walk around and enjoy the beauty of Downtown Greenville. There is a bridge that you can walk over to view our famous waterfall that runs through the city. Finally, I would like to talk about my college town Charleston, SC. Now Charleston has always been a popular tourist destination but I have had the pleasure of seeking out everything that this city has to offer! My favorite go to spots for dinner is Franny and the Fox, The Obstinate Daughter, and 167 Raw. After, I like to grab some drinks with my college friends at Share House, The Cocktail Club, and Saltwater Cowboy. While you are in Charleston I defiantly recommend walking the Ravenel Bridge which is Charleston’s most famous landmark. After, I like to go to Sullivan’s Island to soak up some sun on the beach. Overall, I am grateful to have had the pleasure of living in two of the greatest cities in the state of South Carolina. If you have not been to either one defiantly take a trip to visit. They are both beautiful cities that are worth checking out!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My parents, Kent and Sherri Stubbs, have played a huge part in supporting me throughout my career path. They are the most kind hearted people you will ever meet. The past couple of years my family has been going through some struggle and my parents always tell me how they wish they could support me more financially as a full time student working a full time job. I tell them everyday how much I love them and that they are the reason where I am today. They have helped me grow into a woman I would have never imagined I would become, and they constantly remind me of my success. I was also raised in a Christian home, and I love that my parents encourage me to stay strong in my religion through these hard times. Prayer is a powerful tool in life that has guided me in the right direction, and I thank God everyday for His guidance and protection. Mom and Dad when you read this I want you to know how much I love you both and all of the support you have given me throughout the years. Like I said you both are the reason why I am here today running after my goals that I have had since I was a little girl.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shotsbycassidy

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtoncstubbs

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@shotsbycassidy

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.