We had the good fortune of connecting with Britton Briley and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Britton, what do you think makes you most happy? Why?
I think seeing the impact of what Ghost Brands has done between our clients and their customers makes me the most happy. Not just marketing to showcase a task completed but seeing the fruit of our labor and knowing that we are not only changing out clients lives but their customers as well.

The team at Ghost Brands love seeing the influx of traffic, clients KPI’s accomplished, and the community impacted by the result of our work. Whether it be increased leads, retention of customers, revenue, or just overall community involvement – knowing that what we do makes a difference brings me joy everyday.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Ghost Brands is truly different by distrupting the advertising industry and being a company that truly thinks outside the box. When I first started Ghost Brands, we were a small social media company that only focused on distribution, facebook/instagram engagement, and content creation. Yet with our clients needs growing – our team grew as well. Now offering over 47 different services and being an agency for business; not a business as an agency.

We have scaled to new opportunities while keeping our core values intact. Ghost Brands now represents restaurants, tech, commerical, professional services, retail, healthcare, and automotive across both corporate and franchise business models. We have a wide variety of clientele on our roster that solidifies our abilities to adapt to any industry that approaches Ghost Brands.

From starting this company in my third bedroom, to our brand new office space on Miller Rd; Ghost Brands has not always had the easy and perfect path to success. The company has faced advertisy and always pushed forward with an optimistic look at the future of the brand. From growth challenges, client expectations, deliverables, and overall communication hurdles – Ghost Brands has overcome these challenges with always keeping our values in tact.

We understand that people make a company and it is not only having the right people, but the right people in the right positions. Whether it be in a position of power, support, or logistics – we are in the marketing and advertising space but we are all in the “people business.”

I think one of the biggest challenges for Ghost Brands is helping clients understand the misconceptions of marketing and advertising. A majority of clients understand that marketing is not an overnight success – but they also have an impatient side that doesn’t quite understand the full scope of what an agency does. Marketing never sleeps, it never stops, it doesn’t take a vacation – marketing and advertising are based on the foundation of market research, trends, holidays, and what would help tell a story, emotional connection, or a supply/demand feel for any campaign.

Clients think that we are sitting back, twiddling our thumbs, and just burning through cash – yet when you have multiple clients, multiple projects, and timelines that need to be accomplished all at the same time; we as an agnecy can be working hours that you do not even see or understand.

We have learned to navigate these hazardous waters and allow our clients to see a look behind the curtain when it comes to all the project juggling and the expectations of deliverables. Instead of having to pay a full-time employee that might excel at just one of the jobs we do – we can provide our clients a complete outsource CMO at the touch of their fingers for a fraction of what it would cost to hire all of those positions in-house with the payroll required for it to be effective.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Greenville has such a strong foundation, growing developments, and businesses that have thrived as the city grows. As the city has so much to offer – it would be hard to nail down a specific itinerary as people have different tastes. I would steer my friends towards the “hidden gems” in Greenville that would allows them to see the city for what it is and not the tourism that people have come to know.

A full day would start in downtown Greenville at Sully’s Steamers for breakfast. A steamed bagel sandwhiches always hit the spot in the morning along with reccomending to order the Blondie on an Asiago bagel. While downtown, we would go see both Liberty Bridge and Unity Park to show the development and how far Greenville has come from a small mill town.

I would reccomend to grab a bike and blaze through the Swamp Rabbit Trail as they head up to Furman University. Spending some time enjoying the outdoors, seeing the smiling faces of pedistrians, and overall seeing different looks from mills, universities, trails, and all funneling back to the heart of downtown Greenville.

Lunch will have to be HipBurger – a local Mauldin burger joint that serves smashburgers. Between their fun stickers, famous foodtruck, and having only one brick & mortar; it would be the ideal lunch spot as they explore the outter cites of Greenville. I would take them to downtown Simpsonville to see the clocktower, grab a sweet treat at the Ice Cream Station and learn of the history of Simpsonville.

The night life isn’t the biggest thing in my personal life – but I would gear to take them to somewhere like Group Therpy, Frankies Fun Park, or TopGolf to have fun, enjoy some food and drinks before calling it a night.

On other days, I would reccomend to go hiking at Caesars Head, visit Pretty Place in Cleveland SC and bring a picnic lunch/dinner to enjoy the Blue Ridge Mountains. Exploring the national treasures of what we call home.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would like to give a shouout to my amazing wife (Danielle) who has been the foundation of what I do each & everyday. I couldn’t do what I do without her love, support, and committment to me.

I would also like to thank Daniel Knowlton (Owner of HipBurger) who has helped mentor me during this journey and given me insights to become a better leader & owner.

Website: www.ghostbrands.com

Instagram: @GhostBrands

Linkedin: @GhostBrands

Twitter: @TheGhostBrands

Facebook: @TheGhostBrands

Youtube: @TheGhostBrands

Image Credits
Ghost Brands Production Team

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.