We had the good fortune of connecting with Brittany Porcher and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Brittany, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Honestly, to honor the anointing God placed on my life. I was always expressive, reading. Always wildly imaginative, curious! A Dr. Suess fanatic, mind you! The voices and ideas that would swim in wonderment needed a conduit. Hence. words and poetry! I’m also very aware of the limitless possibilities of artistry that can branch from writing! Art and writing are melting pots of everything deserving of breath! Authoring, journalism, being a professor, theatre (e.g. writing, casting, directing, performing), workshops, publishing/editing, content strategist, creative director. My prayer is to push others into being vulnerable. I want to serve as an incubator for people near and far to plant their art, and help nurture what grows!

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My work merges Christian doctrine, blackness, humor, faith and all unabashed truths tearing sunshine out from the things that make us whole. Each reading/performance has led me into spaces that I once felt undeserving of. When you’re literally standing in your wildest dreams, it takes some getting used to. Lots of prayer and fasting. Meditating in quiet spaces, a vacant parking lot at midnight or while taking a cold shower. Analytically studying others who have mastered the art. Writers residencies. Submitting to literary magazines/publishers. Becoming a regular at open mics, performing with just as much might for a crowd of two as you would five hundred. Show fear to the guillotine! Bare myself on stage, leaving it all there. Envisioning success! Reading reading reading and taking note of what catches my eye, my spirit. Give em something to talk about. That’s how I got here and that’s how I will continue to grow into the version of myself that’s awaiting me still. I tell myself, “All that I have, is all that I need.” And don’t give up. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Sounds cliche, and trust, This is all easier said than done. But it isn’t impossible. Far from it. It just depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice. Once I take myself out of the picture. Once I make it less about me and more about how I can serve others, there lies the urgency of going and never looking back. And if you do look back, it’s only to see how far you’ve come.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would find some hole-in-the-wall spot so that it would be a new experience for both of us! Find a quaint coffee spot for good, intimate convo. Find a bookstore. Oh, Last Saint! Grab a cocktail and be weird together! And we’re definitely going to California Dreaming solely for the croissants! Chico Feo on Folly Beach. If you love being outdoors, love the beach, live music and entertainment, drinks and tacos. This is your spot!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
God, of course! Everyone-and-anyone who ever told me “just write the book already!” Mrs. Carroll, my high school theatre teacher for embracing my weirdness, always reminding me to let go and discover! The fam bam Marcus Amaker, A$iahMae and all of Charleston’s Free Verse community! Georgia Nubia and our poetic sisterhood. Marc Kelly Smith, the originator of slam poetry. P4CM [Passion 4 Christ Movement] organization and its founding poets Jackie Hill Perry, Preston Perry, Janette…ikz, Chris Webb, Ezekial Azonwu. and Joseph Solomon. P4CM first introduced me into the world of spoken word poetry; likewise, showed me that I could be a poet without compromising my faith. Back-in-the-day Tumblr where I had my first peek at phenomenal writers such as Nikita Gill, Rupi Kaur, and Nayyirah Waheed. Rudy Francisco for his humility, wisdom, and authenticity. The OGs Nikki Giovanni, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and James Baldwin just to name a few! And my grandmother’s prayers still saving me beyond her grave.

Instagram: ttruthseeker_thepoet

Facebook: Brittany Porcher

Youtube: ttruthseeker_thepoet

Other: TikTok @ ttruthseeker_thepoet

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