We had the good fortune of connecting with Ben Bower and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ben, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I wanted to start my own business because I have always wanted the freedom to set my own schedule and to do things my own way. My business is an Affiliate of a non-profit organization called the Central Aid Agency (where I also currently serve as Executive Director) and was originally created as a way to provide more funding to the non-profit. So it was a win-win kind of situation.

What should our readers know about your business?
My business is called Training Solutions International (TSI) and is a company whose mission is to provide high quality consumer-oriented training services, gear, and enriching experience to emergency responders, businesses, organizations, and the general public. We offer services focusing on security, public safety, emergency management, medical, survival, outdoor skills, and occupational training. Our Guiding Principle is to help our customers succeed, and our employees thrive. The thing that I am most proud of about TSI is our commitment to quality and excellence, and the fact that we have become a well respected training provider within the state. It has been a long slow process to get to where we are today, but the result is that we are very well regarded in the industries that we serve.

My journey has been one fraught with challenges, from having severe financial limitations as a result of not wanting to go into debt, to the challenges of getting the certifications and experience necessary to teach high-level courses. The journey from founding the company to where we are now has taken perseverance and determination every step of the way. The company did not turn a profit until almost 5 years in, and did not become viable to the point where it could support me full-time until this year. One of the biggest lessons I learned that I want to pass along to others who are considering starting their own small business is to never give up, there are going to be lots of failures and lessons learned, but if you have a good product and stick with it you will get there. The other thing I want to pass along is to limit your own expectations, and be flexible, we all want our companies to be wildly successful straight out of the gate but the reality is it might take a lot longer than you hoped for initially. But don’t give up!

If there is anything that I want the world to know about my brand and my story is just how truly lucky and blessed I am to be doing what I am doing. Through my work I have had the opportunity to make a real impact, whether it’s by training police and private security how to do their jobs better and more ethically, to helping communities become more resilient and prepared for disaster, this work isn’t just a paycheck it has real meaning. Even though I do get paid for what I do, that is something you really can’t put a price tag on. I feel like very few people get the opportunity to find a career that they are really passionate about, and I am extremally fortunate that this was my path.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I live in a very small town called Junction City, Oregon where there isn’t much to do here by most conventional social standards, however it suits me just fine. We have some good restaurants and food trucks arounds, and a wonderful little coffee shop called Max Porters that is always great for a warm drink and good food. I also quite enjoy simply walking around the town and seeing the seasons change. But thankfully if we ran out of things to do in town, we are centrally located with the beach, the mountains, the desert, and big cities less than two hours away. That is one of the best things I like about living here, you can day trip to so many different places. You can go hiking in Bend and the high desert, go shopping in Portland or Eugene, or go to the coast for that wonderful coastal vibe. I think of all the places to go though, the coast is my favorite, the Oregon coast is simply unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been. It has a feel to it that is unique and cozy no matter the season.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I definitely want to recognize the contributions of my wife and family. Without them I would not have been able to get where I am today. Through their love, patience, and support I have been able to get through the tough times associated with starting a small business. It’s been quite a journey, and at times extremally challenging; but worth it in the end.

Website: https://www.trainingsolutionsinternational.com/#/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/training_solutions_intl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrainingSolutionsInternational

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TrainingSolutionsInternational

Other: Links for the Central Aid Agency: Website: https://www.centralaidagency.org/#/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralAidAgency/

Image Credits
Image Credit: Training Solutions International and the Central Aid Agency, all rights reserved.

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