We had the good fortune of connecting with Bailey Morris and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Bailey, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I don’t think there was much of a process at first. I simply enjoyed baking and wanted to share my treats with other people. I typed up a brief menu, created a Facebook page, took cupcakes to friends and family, and hoped I could build a little clientele. Although it’s very important to think through your business decisions and do your due diligence behind every component, I think what stops many people from starting their own business is they overthink it. It’s okay to start small. Every business started somewhere. You just have this cool idea and have to step out and just go for it at some point. You can’t wait around for the economy to be perfect, or expect to have a line of customers or clients right off the bat. You simply have to start and build it from there. As my business grew I definitely had to put a lot more thought into the decisions I made and how they could affect my business in the long run. Sometimes that means saying no to certain orders or opportunities because they don’t align with my business and goals for growth. Starting your own business is going to seem crazy to most people on the outside, and there are times when you might feel like you are your only cheerleader. The what ifs and the risks weigh heavy in your mind, but you will never know if you never try. Don’t overthink it, just do it!

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business is called The Tasty Fox, and I make 100% homemade baked goods using as many local and organic ingredients possible. I don’t just believe that it makes what I bake taste better, but it is better for you. There is a clear difference between using real cows milk butter versus butter that’s been cut with oils and additives. Artificial flavorings? Never heard of her. I use real ingredients in what I make, that means really fruit instead of concentrates, taking the time to make my own caramel instead of store bought, and letting the natural ingredients from the cake be the star decorations, no fondant ever. The cool thing about me is that I am completely self taught when it comes to baking. I’ve never had any formal training and used to be embarrassed by that. People didn’t take me as seriously as those who have, even though everything I make takes just as much time and skill. Now it is something I am proud of because it shows that I was determined to learn and improve and I still am. I don’t always follow the typical “rules” of baking. I don’t like feeling boxed in by the way you are “supposed” to do something. I’ll try it and if it fails I know I’ve learned something. What I want people to know and take away from this is how important it is to support you local businesses, especially the small ones that don’t have brick and mortar locations. Those are your social media run businesses, the businesses that are at your Saturday farmers markets, the one’s with the monthly pop-ups, those little guys. Support and encourage them, because many people don’t respect and take their business seriously. We small business owners have skills and experience that even many larger businesses don’t have as well. I also believe in encouraging young people to pursue their interests and start their own businesses. College doesn’t have to be the only way to move forward in life. Let’s find the things that bring people together instead of what tears us apart, for me that was food, and now I get to share that love with others

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I live in Upstate South Carolina and I’d say it is in a wonderful location from whatever you want to do. Love the outdoors? The Blueridge Mountains provide so many waterfalls, state parks, and hiking trails for day adventures. I love stopping at Flat Rock Village Bakery on my way to Dupont National Forest for some danishes and breads, simply the best. Need a quick but still tasty and fresh lunch? White Duck Taco has locations all throughout Western NC and the upstate and they have the *best ever* tacos. I’ve never had a bad meal. On down the mountain we’d make a pit stop in Landrum to hit up the awesome antique malls and go thrift with a cause at P3, a women’s consignment where the proceeds go to local animal shelters. I always find something cute, and struggle to leave without taking a cat home with me(yes, they have store cats available for adoption). If you love spicy like me and love Thai food, go to Soulisa’s after and get their yellow curry. You won’t leave hungry. Coffee is my literal life. Not only do I run my business but I have also been a barista for the last two years at some local coffee shops. I love the community coffee makes and cannot think of a better way to bring people together. If you visit with me we are going to many coffee shops, so just remember to order decaf after a while. Love visiting Pharmacy Coffee in downtown Spartanburg. It’s located in an old pharmacy in the Montgomery building and it is the most picturesque coffee shop I’ve been to. I order the Beekeeper latte, ever single time. Greer has my favorite coffee shop ever, Flying Fox. You can say I’m partial because I work there, but ask anyone, it was my favorite before I worked there. Greenville’s coffee scene is also amazing, and I love visiting The Commons and going to Methodical and grabbing a delicious pastry at Bakeroom(coffee and pastries are an elite combo, no questions asked). I force everyone I know to grab a Scout’s Doughnut when they have the chance. These cronuts are the best things ever and I will never stop saying that. If I am in Greenville, especially with my boyfriend, we are heading to Pita House for the best falafel and hummus of your life. Bring cash because that’s all they take and you get a whole lot of amazing food for just a few bucks. Love vintage anything? You will definitely find something at the Retro Marketplace in Travelers Rest. The sunsets are so beautiful, especially in sight of the mountains, and there is never a better way to end a night then seeing our Father above paint the sky just for us. This sounds like a great, extremely caffeinated week to me!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are so many people that have gotten me to where I am today, from my parents, to friends, and even to random strangers that supported my business or gave encouraging advice. First, I would have to say my parents 100%. They have always believed in me and pushed me to keep growing and learn new things. They taught me a lot about running businesses, how to effectively communicate with others, and to just all around be a good person (you don’t realize how many people did not get this memo until you work in customer/food service). My parents chose the untraditional route of homeschooling back when homeschooling wasn’t as popular or accepted as it is now. I know that if my schooling was different I would have never started my business. I was blessed to be able to have the flexibility in my school schedule to work and learn from others when my peers in other schooling situations didn’t always have that. I was able to not only explore my true interests but push forward in the areas I mastered and complete high school just a few months after turning 16, allowing me to focus on building the business I wanted. I’m so thankful my parents took that “risk” of teaching us at home. They have shaped me into who I am and I would not be where I am today without them. Believe it or not it can be the people that don’t support or believe in you that can motivate you to do more. I’m not proud of it but I can be petty and I love proving people wrong (the Lord has been teaching me humility though and I have gotten better!). However I try and let any non-supportive or negative comments or actions push me to excel. Every job and terrible boss has showed me what I do and don’t want in my business, and every great boss and job has shown me how your business thrives when you treat your employees with respect. So in a way, every person I’ve ever met in my life has someway, no matter how small, gotten me to where I am today. And to all those people I say thank you.

Instagram: thetastyfox

Facebook: The Tasty Fox

Image Credits
Junia Marie Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.