We had the good fortune of connecting with Ashanta Coleman and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ashanta, what principle do you value most?
I have two:

1. To be kind, always in all ways. You never truly know what someone is going through so it’s best to be a little light, joy or peace of their day/season.

2. To never shy away from sharing your story. Whether your afraid, unsure or not truly understand why it matters, there is a person/people out there who need to hear what you have to share. They may see/hear versions of themself allowing them to feel seen and/or they may realize that whatever the thing you went through is that they can too! YOUR STORY MATTERS. Tell it!

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My business is rooted in the belief that healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s about creating spaces and experiences that allow women to evolve into their most authentic selves. What sets us apart is our commitment to fostering deep, genuine connections—whether through our retreats, workshops, or products. We’re not just another brand; we’re a movement dedicated to empowering women to heal boldly, love fiercely, and live intentionally.

What I’m most proud of is the community we’ve built. The women who attend our retreats, wear our t-shirts, or join our events aren’t just customers—they’re sisters on a shared journey of growth and transformation. Seeing their progress, their breakthroughs, and their renewed sense of self is what excites me the most. It’s what keeps me going.

But getting here wasn’t easy. The path was filled with challenges—doubts, setbacks, and moments where I questioned everything. What helped me overcome these obstacles was my unwavering belief in my purpose and the women I serve. I learned to trust the process, lean into the discomfort, and use each challenge as an opportunity to grow stronger.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of staying true to your vision, even when others don’t see it. You have to believe in your dream before anyone else will. And along the way, I’ve discovered that it’s okay to ask for help, to lean on others, and to be vulnerable. That’s where true growth happens.

What I want the world to know about me and my brand is that we’re here to make a difference. We’re not just about selling products or hosting events; we’re about creating lasting change in the lives of women. We’re about healing generational wounds, breaking cycles, and empowering the next generation to rise. My story is one of resilience, passion, and purpose—and it’s just getting started.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
If my best friend were visiting, I’d curate a week-long experience that’s all about soulful connections, local gems, and unforgettable moments. Here’s how I’d lay it out:

Day 1: Welcome to Self-Love
We’d kick off with a brunch at a cozy café that serves up both comfort and elegance—think avocado toast with a twist and a lavender-infused latte. From there, we’d head to a serene spot by the water for some grounding and intention-setting. The evening would be all about self-care with a spa session that indulges the senses—massages, aromatherapy, and a luxurious soak.

Day 2: Culture & Creativity
This day is dedicated to exploring the artistic soul of the city. We’d visit local galleries, soak in the creativity, and maybe even catch a live artist at work. Lunch would be at a vibrant spot with a menu that celebrates fresh, local ingredients. The afternoon would involve a hands-on workshop—maybe pottery or painting—something that lets us get our hands dirty while expressing ourselves. Dinner would be at a hidden gem that blends ambiance with innovation, where each dish is an experience.

Day 3: Nature & Nourishment
A day trip to a nearby nature reserve or botanical garden would be perfect. We’d spend the day hiking, meditating in the midst of nature’s beauty, and enjoying a picnic filled with healthy, delicious bites. The evening would be for a laid-back dinner at a farm-to-table restaurant, where the food is as nourishing as the conversations we’d have.

Day 4: The Divine Connections Experience
This day would be all about connecting with like-minded souls. We’d attend a women’s circle or a wellness event that fosters deep, meaningful conversations. Brunch would be at a spot known for its community vibes and nourishing meals. The afternoon might involve a little retail therapy at boutiques that celebrate local artisans and sustainable fashion. We’d end the day with a rooftop dinner, overlooking the city, reflecting on the day’s connections.

Day 5: Healing & Exploration
A morning yoga session followed by a visit to a crystal shop for some energy work would set the tone. Afterward, we’d explore a part of town that’s rich in history and culture—wandering through streets lined with stories. Lunch would be at an authentic spot, where the food is made with love and tradition. The evening would be spent at a wellness retreat or meditation center, deepening our healing journey.

Day 6: Adventure & Boldness
Time to step out of the comfort zone! We’d take on something adventurous—maybe paddleboarding, a hot air balloon ride, or a scenic bike tour. Lunch would be casual, somewhere we can refuel with fresh, energizing food. The afternoon would be free for a spontaneous exploration—stumbling upon a local festival or market. We’d close the day with a dinner that’s all about indulgence—a tasting menu that’s a true culinary adventure.

Day 7: Celebration & Reflection
Our last day would be a celebration of the week we’ve shared. We’d start with a leisurely brunch at a place known for its decadent dishes. The day would be spent revisiting our favorite spots or trying something new that we didn’t get to earlier. The evening would be for a final, heartfelt dinner at a place that holds meaning—maybe where we started the week or somewhere with a view that makes you feel like anything is possible. We’d toast to our friendship, the memories we’ve made, and the magic of this journey.

Throughout the week, it’s about more than just the places we’d visit—it’s about the connections we’d deepen, the memories we’d create, and the healing we’d nurture. This city has so much to offer, and I’d make sure my best friend leaves feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and filled with love.



Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Black women everywhere! We come from a history of being overlooked, unheard and left behind but that’s history, baby. Black women are leading the world in so many spaces and arenas and I love this for us !

Website: ashantaantoinette.com

Instagram: instagram.com/ashantaantoinette

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GlowGirlGlowBrand 

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.