Meet Ansley Whiteside | Owner and Curator of Turner & Moss Curated Goods

We had the good fortune of connecting with Ansley Whiteside and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Ansley, can you tell us more about your background and the role it’s played in shaping who you are today?
I’m originally from Baton Rouge, LA and am from a family of 5 girls and our family always entertained a bunch. Holidays and birthdays were always a big deal for our family (still are!) so I think from early on, I just always had an appreciation for celebrations in general even the small stuff! A total old soul, I’ve always loved entertaining, setting the table, making floral arrangements, traveling, a good cocktail and my current business has sort of rolled all the things I love into one sweet little shop!
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Turner & Moss is a whimsical and thoughtful collection of antique & vintage wares, home goods, and gifts located at 715 Saluda Ave. in Columbia, SC. I travel all along the Southeast and beyond (with yearly sourcing trips to the Paris fleas) scouring antique shops, flea markets, estate sales and auctions to bring one of a kind and unique finds into the shop so you never quite know what you’ll find. When I opened our brick & mortar shop at 715 Saluda Ave. I knew that I also wanted to offer a curated selection of gifts and art work as well so I’ve filled the shop with artists and product lines I personally love that also compliment the old school vibes and aesthaetic. If I wouldn’t put it in my own home, it doesn’t make it’s way into the shop!
I started T&M back in 2016 after my husband and I moved back from New York City. Living there (although super brief) really inspired me to chase my dreams so when we moved back to Columbia, I started Turner & Moss. It’s grown from weekly Instagram flash sales where I’d curate, stage and sell my latest finds weekly to my own brick & mortar shop at 715 Saluda Ave. and I’m really proud of that. It’s taken a lot of hard work and the wearing of all the hats when it comes to business to get to this space and I’m super thankful to be here!
At T&M, we believe that a combination of antiques, vintage and eclectic decor items create an inviting atmosphere that helps your home tell it’s own story. And there’s nothing we love more than giving old pieces new life and seeing them live their best lives in their new home. It’s just a really cool thing to see something that has so much history to it, being brought back and made relevant again.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This is the best question ever and I love being able to play tour guide in our city! Columbia really does have so much to offer so here’s a breakdown of what I’d do…
-Five Pts. on Saluda Ave. (obviously!)
-Stroll the shops on Devine St.
-Go antiquing at Old Mill in West Columbia
-Check out antique furniture at McIntosh Cottage
Where to Stay
-Hotel Trundle or The Graduate
Where to Eat & Drink
-Il Giorgione, Gourmet Shop, City Grit, Tazza, Terra, Saluda’s, Mr. Friendly’s, Motor Supply, Masa
-Craft & Draft Bottle Shop….not a brewery but a great neighborhood bottle shop that we go to a ton!
-Savage Craft
-Riverwalk for a stroll
-Soda City Farmer’s Market on a Saturday morning
-Columbia Museum of Art to check out an exhibit
-Historic Columbia gardens
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Community is everything! I’ve made so many amazing connections with other small business owners, the Instagram community (where I first started my business 8 years ago!), as well as the overall support of the Columbia community that I’ve been able to see my small business not only continue but also grow!
Instagram: @shopturnerandmoss