We had the good fortune of connecting with Andrea Tassoni and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Andrea, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?
Educating, supporting, and guiding my clients as they change their diet and lifestyle so they can live a longer more productive life impacts not only them but has an amazing trickle down effect on their families, friends, and loved ones. Nothing is more valuable then our health, and when I am able to teach someone about food and the importance of why eating real, whole food over processed and packaged has a huge impact on chronic disease, inflammation, gut health, hormones, and the scale that often produces healthier meals cooked at home and better food choices put in school lunches and packed for the office. It becomes a shift not only for their family and extended family, but also for their friends and coworkers. When my clients begin to have more energy, less headaches and digestive issues, and lose weight, people notice and want to know what’s changed. It becomes a catalyst for another family member to reach out to me or a colleague who is now ready to begin their own health journey which will in turn benefit their circle of influence. Every client I work with has the potential to change not only their life, but can aspire others to do the same. It’s this belief that makes me passionate about what I do, and encourages me to do more.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business, Andrea Tassoni Wellness, allows me to coach and work with clients across the country. That in itself is amazing! Since 2020 changed the way we do business, I am able to meet with clients online, regardless of where they live. As a holistic health and nutrition coach I believe that good health is not just the food on your plate, but also your stress management, sleep quality, exercise, relationships, gut and hormone health, and your mental wellbeing. It’s all connected! Because I believe that getting healthy is an individualized process, I only take a small number of clients at a time so that I can take a hands on approach. I am all about living a healthy lifestyle not a diet! Teaching clients about food and how to make lifestyle changes while building habits around these changes is what makes it sustainable. Most of my clients begin to feel better before the scale starts to move, but feeling good makes them want to do more and that’s where the magic happens. I often tell my clients that getting healthy is hard, but being sick and overweight is harder. Choose your hard. Teaching people how to fuel themselves, the importance of cooking and reading labels, and the overall impact it has in all areas of their life is beyond rewarding. I love working with people of all ages and stages, but I specialize in gut and hormone health so the core of my clientele is women from ages seventeen to early sixties. I love the challenge of identifying their key issues or struggles and then helping my clients make the necessary adjustments so that they can reach their goals. Celebrating their wins along the way is both an honor and a joy. Ultimately, my job is to work myself out of a job, and I love nothing more than leaving my clients with all the skills they need to live their best life, for a long life.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Living in downtown Greenville means starting the day with a long walk, run, or bike ride along the Swamp Rabbit Trail and most likely a stop at the cafe for a cup of coffee and possibly some provisions for lunch. If the farmer’s market is happening we would definitely spend time there. You can’t beat the local vendors for all your produce needs and I never leave without at least one bouquet of flowers! Some afternoon shopping at the Copper Penny and other local boutiques would be on the list as well as some down time in Falls Park and a stroll through my favorite bookstore, M Judson. I love that there are so many options for cocktails and dinner! Maybe an outside drink at Jianna’s and dinner at Coral or an espresso martini, appetizers and music at Halls. You can’t beat a good seat at the bar at Urben Wren where both the drinks and the food are delicious. And it’s always fun to spend time in the West end too.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My husband David is my biggest supporter and fan. Because of his encouragement, my business has grown and flourished into exactly what I always hoped it would be. He walks the talk with me when it comes to getting healthy and staying healthy so that we can do all the things we love, with the people we love, for many years to come. Growing old together is not a blessing I take for granted. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in this life.

Website: atgetwell.com. Andrea Tassoni Wellness

Instagram: atgetwell

Facebook: Atgetwell

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.