We had the good fortune of connecting with Andre Oliver and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Andre, why did you pursue a creative career?
Initially, I’m not sure if many would consider fitness as art. However, the Bible says that we are the clay and God is the potter. That means, before pottery every existed,, we were actually shaped by God in the same way. I believe that is one of the reasons why we are His masterpiece. We are His art. I pursued this because it is an opportunity to bring out and unveil the beautiful creation in all of us, hopefully leading to others seeing themselves the way that God sees us.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
These days, it seems like fitness and health are being promoted everywhere. What sets us apart is our unique and spiritual approach to something that is so commonly sought after. Our goal isn’t just for an individual to lose weight. We are using spiritual principles, based on the Bible in conjunction with knowledge of the human body to produce results that aren’t just limited to physical change. Through prayer, prophetic declarations, and other spiritual practices, we aim to use fitness as a tool to break strongholds off of the lives of those that we work with. The Word of God tells us that He wants us to all be in good health and to prosper as our soul prospers. Not only does this give insight to the fact that God wants us to be holistically, healthy, but it also reveals a mystery between the condition of the soul and that condition being reflected in the physical body. I believe that even something like physical fitness can be a medium for God’s deliverance to take place in someone’s whole being. For example, working with us not only means that you’re going to lose weight, but you may also lose negative mentalities and perceptions. You’re going to gain strength but you will also gain strength in your faith, your confidence, and most importantly in Jesus Christ. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my heart than when I have a client tell me that their journey has brought them closer to God. That’s what I’m the most proud of! I am truly excited to see others experience the power of God even healing soulish wounds through fitness. I want the world to know that God can use anything to be a blessing to be a blessing to His people. I want the world to know that God didn’t make us to be depressed, burdened with body image issues and low self esteem. He made each and everyone of us uniquely beautiful and the story of His son Jesus can be seen in us but also on and through us.

Website: https://prophetaoliver.com

Instagram: @prophetaoliver

Facebook: Andre Oliver

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtmX5ZErncQRDYJg2JFJxA

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