We had the good fortune of connecting with Amber Moskowitz and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Amber, how do you think about risk?
I believe that responding to risk is an essential part of growth and success. When I decided to start my own photography studio, I knew it was a risk to quit my full-time corporate job. However, I believed in myself and my passion for photography. Taking that risk allowed me to build confidence in my skills and capabilities.

One of the biggest risks I took was purchasing expensive equipment for my studio. It was a significant investment, but it ultimately proved to be worth it as it elevated the quality of my work. Additionally, creating effective marketing tools for myself was another risk that I took, but it helped me reach a broader audience and grow my client base.

When it came to pricing my services, I knew it was crucial to value my work appropriately. It was a risk to set prices accordingly to reflect the quality of service I provide, but it has been rewarding to see clients appreciate and respect my work.

Overall, risk-taking has been a driving force in shaping my career and pushing me out of my comfort zone. It has led to growth, new opportunities, and personal fulfillment.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am truly passionate about capturing moments that create lifelong memories for my clients. What sets me apart from others is my unwavering commitment to telling stories through my photos and evoking authentic emotions that move people.

As an LGBTQ friendly photographer, I strive to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all individuals. One of the aspects I am most proud of in my journey is the tremendous growth I have experienced and the countless clients I have had the privilege to work with over the years.

While the path to where I am today professionally was not easy, I persevered through the challenges and never gave up. I have learned valuable lessons along the way, such as the importance of having a contract in place and understanding that my style may not resonate with everyone – and that’s perfectly okay.

Every experience, whether positive or negative, has been a learning opportunity for me. I believe in constantly evolving and being a lifelong learner in this ever-changing field. Thank you for allowing me to share a glimpse of my story and what I stand for as a photographer.

I would describe my brand as timeless, candid, lifestyle-focused, warm, fun, and personable. These elements are at the core of my photography style, aiming to capture genuine moments and emotions in a relaxed and inviting manner.

I strive to create an experience that reflects the uniqueness and personality of each individual or group I work with, ensuring that the final galleries are not only visually appealing but also meaningful.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would create a memorable experience by suggesting this personalized itinerary:

Jack Brown’s for delicious burgers and fried Oreos
South Carolina State Museum to explore arts and have fun
Stroll along the Riverwalk for a scenic walk
University of South Carolina Horseshoe to admire the historic campus
The State House for its beautiful architecture
California Dreaming for a taste of history and good food
Villa Tronco for exceptional Italian cuisine
Five Points for a vibrant social scene
Botanical Gardens for a peaceful retreat
and Attend the numerous Fun Festivals for an enjoyable time
We also have shows, local bands, and karaoke on Main Street throughout the week,

These locations offer a mix of culture, history, and entertainment to ensure a well-rounded experience during the visit.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I had a lot of mentors along the way that helped shape the photographer I am today- so definitely the AV team crew from my previous corporate job and our fearless leader who is now a lifelong friend. My friend Kecia believed in me, supported me, and I am so thankful to have had her by my side as one of my biggest cheerleaders. She gave me the chance I needed to explore my passion for photography. The love of my close friends and family, the support of my community, and the amazing network of photographers I have gotten to know over the last decade have also contributed to my success and journey. Thank you all!

Website: mdcphotogroup.com

Instagram: @mdcphotogroup, @studiomc.co

Facebook: www.facebook.com/mdcphotogroup

Image Credits
Amber Moskowitz

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.