We had the good fortune of connecting with Allie Barbera and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Allie, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Temini112 is the third business I’ve started and currently own and operate. (Yes, that is too many! But I make it work.) My other businesses are in the beauty industry, but Temini112 offers Numerology services, so it’s completely different.

Temini112 is the grownup version of the Numerology readings side hustle I had in the early years of my first business. I had to stop offering those readings on a larger scale when my first business got too busy, but I continued to do them for friends and family. In 2023, I decided to resurrect the Numerology services on a larger scale, and Temini112 was born!

I started this business because, well, I enjoy doing Numerology and helping people learn more about themselves. And at my (undisclosed) age, I’ve realized I want to do more of what I enjoy. I think that’s a good enough reason. Don’t you?

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?

Temini112 offers Numerology reports and readings. Numerology is thousands of years old, yet many people have never heard of it, or they misunderstand what it is. It’s the study of numbers and their symbolism. It’s most commonly used in relation to birthdates, as those are composed of numbers, and those numbers have characteristics that can offer insight into a person’s strengths, weaknesses, life purpose, common obstacles and challenges, and much more!

This is a newer business for me…kind of. It’s currently one of three businesses I own and operate, but I did Numerology as a side hustle over a decade ago when my first business was just a baby. I had to back burner it for the most part when my first business got too busy, but I brought it back in mid-2023.

This time, I have 15+ years of entrepreneurial experience on my side. That’s proving to be very helpful, as I’ve been able to bypass a lot of the struggle and confusion that often comes with being a first time business owner.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I love Charleston so much, and I really enjoy customizing itineraries when friends visit. But I do bring them all to Rainbow Row, The Battery, The Pineapple Fountain, and King Street. If they visit during the second week of a given month, I swing them by Second Sunday on King Street for some stellar people watching, shopping, and dog petting, if they are so inclined.

Brunch is an institution in Charleston, so I like to take my guests to either High Cotton, SNOB, or the gospel brunch at Hall’s. Home Team, 82 Queen, Poogan’s Porch, and The Blind Tiger are also solid spots, and The Vendue Rooftop is perfect for cocktails.

I’m a bit of a history geek, so I love to bring my visitors on a guided tour from one of the many tour companies in the Holy City, or I walk them through downtown after a Bloody Mary or two at brunch and attempt to remember the facts I’ve retained from tours I’ve taken (which has earned me the nickname “the tipsy tour guide”). I also love bringing friends to improv shows at Theatre 99.

The rest of my suggested itinerary would be dependent on the friend. There’s always something to do in Charleston, so it makes my (tipsy) tour guide job a breeze.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I first learned Numerology from Connie Ouellette, who owned the Magick Mirror in Bristol, Rhode Island. Connie offered classes at the Magick Mirror, and that’s where I discovered Numerology. I instantly loved it and wanted to learn more, so that class sent me down a road of self study. Connie passed in 2013, but I still think of her often and am grateful for what she taught me.

Website: www.temini112.com

Instagram: temini112

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095272666447

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.