We had the good fortune of connecting with Adriana Richardson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Adriana, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
It honestly wasn’t a first choice. I’ve always done side gigs, but I never thought to start my own business. A mentor actually pushed me to start a business when I was pregnant with my second child. From there, it was pretty much a “do or die” situation for me. I wanted to bring in some extra income for my family and maintain a level of freedom so I wanted to be successful with it.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My business is all about helping Business and Corporate leaders develop processes and improve them to have better Documentation/SOPs. What sets me apart is that I strictly focus on Operational Processes as a whole and I make implementing the information more achievable. This was not easy to break into in the beginning because this “language” is found in a corporate setting and to break it down for entrepreneurs/business owners was a whole task in itself. This taught me how to diversify how I teach my knowledge, so I can market to different people while maintaining the same message. To those reading today, I want you to know that my brand helps make sustaining in business achievable while maintaining a level of freedom you may have originally started out wanting to create.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This is tough! We live in such an amazing foodie area, that I would probably go city hopping. We would stay in a nice hotel in Downtown Charleston, and we would use a couple of days to walk around downtown since there are plenty of restaurants, shopping, etc. The following days we would go explore Summerville, Mount Pleasant (my hometown), and West Ashley.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Megan of I Am Voices helped push me to start my business when I was on the board, so I’ll always be thankful for that!

Website: https://www.thelazymillennial.net/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_lazymillennial

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriana-richardson-4ba81840/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.