Deciding to pursue an artistic or creative career path isn’t for the faint of heart. Challenges will abound, but so many of the artists we speak with couldn’t be happier with their choice. So, we asked them about how they made the decision in the first place.

Brittany Opperman | Singer, Songwriter & Songteller

I’ve been drawn to music for as long as I can remember. It has been a constant companion throughout my life, providing a space for me to express myself. I love the way it fuels our emotions and connects us to other people. My hope is that through singing and songwriting, I can be a friend to someone in whatever circumstance they are experiencing. I consider it a great gift to have the ability and opportunity to pursue a career in something that brings so much fulfillment. It is not something I ever want to take for granted. Read more>>

Margaret Cogswell | Web Designer and Book Publisher

As trite as it may sound, I think I was born an artist. Some of my earliest memories are of sitting at the kitchen table, painting the Rancor from Star Wars in water color, writing and illustrating my first “book” (about my favorite and least favorite vegetables), and creating a Halloween-themed mobile for my room. My parents always encouraged me in my artistry, regardless of the medium. I was incredibly privileged to be enrolled in private art classes at the age of seven where I learned ceramics/pottery and painting with acrylics. They also enrolled me in piano lessons, which I hated at first but grew to love a few years later. Read more>>

John Reese | Graphic designer & muralist

Art has always been part of my life. Growing up, I was a pretty busy kid, and art was a natural way to channel my creative energy. I was always drawing, building, painting… Although I received my BFA in Graphic Design, I still wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do after college. When I first moved to Charleston, I worked in Food and Beverage, but I also continued to paint, experimenting with different media and techniques. My introduction to spray paint and mural art was open painting in a place where it was understood that your great masterpiece might be covered with another artist’s work an hour later. I really liked this form of sharing my art with others. I began painting a few murals in Mynt, where I was working at the time. Although I’d been looking for the right career, it’s more like the right career found me. I’ve always had a passion for art, but I never thought something I enjoyed so much could actually pay the bills. Read more>>

Teresa Bauer | Writer, poet and makerspace manager

I wouldn’t say that I chose to pursue a creative path as much as it chose me. Most of my life, within all of my roles and various jobs, there was something growing in me that wanted to get out. Read more>>

Elizabeth Grace Smith | Photographer, Coordinator, Childrens Author, Networking Group Leader

I didn’t pick my careers; the careers picked me. My passion for artistic expression and creativity has always been a guiding force in my life, naturally leading me towards a career that allows me to explore and share my unique perspective with the world. Read more>>