Decision Makers Series: avoiding decision fatigue by adopting effective habits

There’s a ton of research around how setting habits can help us conserve energy because it reduces the number of decisions we have to make in a day. However, not all habits are created equal and so we’ve asked our community to tell us about the habits they have been most effective for them.
i dont know if its a habbit or a personality trait , but the ability to not hear NO. I am pretty stubborn and no kinda motivates me. Read more>>
There are quite a few habits that I can say contribute to the success of Briton Court. One of the most important habits is to stay positive. There are always bumps on the road but with the right mind set and surrounding yourself with positive uplifting people who was to see you succeed you will always get past those bumps in the road. Which leads me to the next habit that I believe contributes to our success- “Networking”. It’s so important in our industry to network, get to know people who are successful, have great advice and know the industry. Read more>>
I try to make a habit of staying curious. Some may believe that curiosity is innate and fixed. I, however, see it as something you can build upon. I’d say I practice curiosity on a daily basis at this point. Say, for instance, I take a trip to an aquarium and I see a beautiful school of fish swimming. I become fascinated with the way their silvery scales shimmer in the water; how they are all individually unique, but are seen as a whole as they dance in such a synchronized manner. Read more>>