There’s a ton of research around how setting habits can help us conserve energy because it reduces the number of decisions we have to make in a day. However, not all habits are created equal and so we’ve asked our community to tell us about the habits they have been most effective for them.

Mario Cusano | Business Owner

In my opinion, similarly to life itself, the habits and choices you make as a business owner will dictate the outcome of your overall product and well being. When you start a business there are certain things you have to commit to to ensure the best possible outcome. Making sure you stay in good health (physically/mentally), surround yourself with positive people, and being as honest with people as possible are some of the habits I have found has aided our companies success. Read more>>

Nikayla Benbow | Founder & Podcast/Content Creator

The habits I feel helped me to succeed was honesty. Yes I said it, HONESTY! I’m being honest, I learned to allow grace for myself. I was honest with me needing to rest over creating content, I was honest in sharing moments of not knowing what to create or even having the motivation TO create! Once I started to be honest with myself, I noticed that the pressures of being perfect or getting things just right begin to lift and the joy I had when first starting my podcast/non-profit started to come back! When you are HONEST with yourself, you find strength to keep going! Read more>>

KJ Helton | CEO,Creative, and Problem Solver

I feel like one the biggest habits that has helped me succeed is working to get better each day, even if its just 1% or even a half percentage… its still better than yesterday. Often times when we are working towards something we care about we can get lost in the process and feel as though something should shake overnight.. or in a week and when it doesn’t you get discouraged or some people even quit. There has been a lot of ups and downs during this process, and sometimes I don’t always have the motivation to get everything done, but I prioritize some of the most important tasks and cross them off the list. Even if its 1-2 tasks, again its better than nothing, and I’m a little closer than I was yesterday. Read more>>

Susan Skelley | Artist @ Susan Skelley Art

I think the most important habit that helped me with my career is simply to keep showing up everyday. Even when sales are slow or I’m not feeling creative, I try to consistently continue to produce new work and do daily routines such as social media, cleaning brushes, prepping canvases, keeping my studio organized, etc. That way, when something does sell, it’s ready to be shipped or when someone wants an impromptu studio visit, my inventory is organized and show worthy. Read more>>

Erika Chapman | Real Estate Agent

I’m a big believer in staying organized and implementing time blocking. I find these 2 things greatly benefit me as a Real Estate Agent. By staying organized and having a clear plan, I find I can prioritize tasks effectively while also optimizing my workflow. Time blocking allows me to allocate dedicated time slots for specific activities, like appointments, meetings, dinner plans, and gym workouts. I find by having a structured schedule in place, I minimize the chances of feeling overwhelmed. Time blocking comes in handy again since it allows for me to have better time management, which then leads to a sense of control over my day. Read more>>