We had the good fortune of connecting with Pam Barker and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Pam, what is the most important factor behind your success?
I really think my business has taken off and is growing because the products are unique. No two items are exactly alike and there is nothing around here similar to what I make. I also only create art that means something to me. I use sayings that touch my heart or make me smile ir laugh or cause me to recall a special memory. I also make the items personal upon request with specific hair color and different breeds of dogs and cats, special words, etc. Many times, people will ask me to recreate an idea they have seen but with stones and with the colors, items or words that represent what they want it to represent. It makes a keepsake for them or a personal gift for someone special.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Below my logo are the words “Inspired by the people I love and our beautiful world” and these words are right on point. I create pieces that represent what I love and/or how I feel. My art is inspired by my neighbors, my pets, my God and my family. Some pieces are inspired by places or moments that take my breath away.
I guess what sets my art apart is that each idea is personal to me and no two pieces are exactly alike. I also hope that they either make people smile or tug at their heart by reminding them of something or someone special.
Sometimes, my experiences are inspirational because of the feelings they invoke.For example, when I stand beside the ocean I am amazed by the beauty of the seashells and the power of the sea, so I gathered reeds and shells and created pictures to represent the beach and finish them with words like “Heaven seems a little closer by the sea” or “The ocean is calling and I must go”.
I miss my sweet neighbor that moved so I made a pebble picture of two friends on a bench with the words “I sure wish you lived next door.”
I think of my grandmother and my brother when I see cardinals in my backyard, so I created a picture with a cardinal on a branch and the words “Sometimes I look up and smile and think, I know that was you.” Others must feel the same as me because I keep getting orders for them. It is so exciting to me when others are touched by my work and want to buy it for themselves or someone special.
One of the biggest challenges is creating what someone else has pictured in their mind. I am honored that they trust me with the job but I ask tons of questions to make sure I create what they have in mind.
Another challenge is time. I have my work in a store now and when the owner orders more items, it takes me a few days to fill the order. Same for when I am commissioned to make a piece. Hopefully, I will get ahead soon and have pieces ready before they are requested. That is my goal.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If someone were to visit me, I would take them to a USC football game to tailgate and then cheer on the Gamecocks. I would take them kayaking down the Wateree River. We would visit the Riverbanks Zoo and the State Museum. We would check out some favorite consignment and antique stores. We could hike through Sesquicentenial State Park and enjoy amazing food at Terra, a wonderful farm to table spot in West Columbia.. And they would have to have a meal at my house cooked by my son who is a chef and then sit around my fire pit and spend time with my husband, my kids and grands for incredible conversation and a breathtaking view of a Carolina sunset.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My family deserves so much credit in the success of Sticks and Stones. My daughter, Amy Bates, was the one who first encouraged me to create art and sell it. She and my son, Noah Barker, helped design my logo and create my LLC. My son, Jake Barker, has taken photographs for me of my products. My husband has cut wood and sanded items and taught me to use his carpentry tools, My mom has been a huge encourager and prayer warrior. My friends have been cheerleaders and supporters and have bought items and shared my work with others. My dear friend, Chris Holloman, has joined me at markets and helped me set up and take down my table. She has purchased items to help with displaying at my table and she is always sharing new ideas and checking on me. So many of my friends have commissioned me to make pieces for them. I have an amazing support system and none of this would be possible without them.

Facebook: https://facebook.com/sticksandstonesinsc

Image Credits
Jake Barker

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.