We had the good fortune of connecting with Cordaro Starlings and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Cordaro, is there something you believe many others might not?
“Your only competition is yourself.” I disagree with this advice because I cannot grow if I am only looking at my successes and not others. With competition, innovation is created, which brings forth new ideas and improves productivity. With competition, quality becomes more of an advantage and is more sought after. With competition, marketing strategies are adapted and new ones are created. Lastly, with competition, the demand for a product/service is increased. The quote I go by is that “Competition is best form of motivation”.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Legacy Studios provides services in photography and Photo Booth operations. Outside of those services, we have produced products in the fields of books, music, film, and podcasting. We are supporters of many community based groups and have given our time and services to these said groups. What sets the company apart from others is that it is ran by me, Cordaro Starlings. My reality is that there is only one of me so who can do me better than me. With my company, I’m most proud of the fact that we are not a one trick pony. We have not boxed ourself into only providing or producing one service. To get to where I’m at today, it took an idea, business plan, funds, investments, support, marketing, and determination. Even with having all these things, it was not an easy road. To overcome the numerous challenges I faced, I had to change my mindset and approach problems as opportunities. From successes to setbacks, I learned that I must always make a plan, seek and accept support, acknowledge my emotions, help others, and keep a positive mindset. In the end, this created the motto of the company that I hope to share to the world: “You help create my legacy, so let me assist in yours”.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Monday – Visit the Nickelodeon Theater: Here you can watch independent films, special curated series, one-off screening of films of revelance to the community, and nationwide films. With this theater, you have the opportunity to have conversations before and after screenings
Tuesday – Visit the South Carolina State Museum: This facility houses four museums in one: art, history, natural history, and science and technology
Wednesday – Visit the Columbia Museum of Art: Here you will learn something, do something, and see something as it pertains to art.
Thursday – Eat at Private Property in Lexington, SC: This is a reservation only dining experience that indulges in classic Southern cuisine
Friday – Five Points: This area is a downtown district where you can shop, eat, exercise, and party
Saturday – Willams-Brice Stadium: When college football is in season, there is nothing like tailgating and attending a game
Sunday – Boat Ride on Lake Murray: Take a trip on the lake to drink, eat, converse, and relax

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I want to give a shoutout to my wife. From the day she entered my life, she created purpose for me. First, she was the girlfriend that helped me realize that life was more than just working and partying; she gave me stability. Second, she was the baby mama, lol, that blessed me with a family; this instilled the quality of being unselfish. Third, she is the wife that loves me for who I am, but encourages me to grow. Lastly, she is the person that gives me the strength to pursue my dreams when I feel life is too much. I dedicate my existence to her.

Website: https://linktr.ee/cordarostarlings

Instagram: @SC_LegacyStudios

Facebook: Cordaro Starlings

Image Credits
Headshots taken by Perryman Studios

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.