We had the good fortune of connecting with Stephanie Button and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Stephanie, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success?
I would say that the most important factor behind the success of Tweedle Beedle would be the team that supports us. This team consists of many different people. My husband being the biggest support, has always been supportive of my goals and dreams. He helps in many aspects of the business and our family to keep it running smoothly behind the scenes. Our team members in the store are also a huge support in our success. In the past almost 3 years I have been lucky enough to have had two really amazing employees. Lauren our store manager. She has upheld the integrity and goals of our business. If you have ever met her you would know she has a loving, kind, helpful personality. Gracie also our long time team member has been a great support to us. Keeping me informed on many tasks and up to date of the ever changing children’s gear industry. They have really help us grow our business to what it is today. Also our community has been the biggest support in our success. Our customer’s are incredible. We get to meet so many amazing members of the community. This community supports us and has pushed us through some of the toughest season small business go through, including covid. We are so grateful to everyone who makes any kind of purchase, like, or share of our business. Even the smallest thing makes a great impact to our success.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business is Tweedle Beedle a baby and children’s store with two locations; Summerville, SC and Mount Pleasant, SC. Our store’s are a place where you can find unique, high quality products for your children. We sell clothes, baby gear, carseats, strollers, bags, accessories, custom embroidery, gifts and so much more. What sets us apart is the quality of our products and our customer service. We make sure to carry only brands and items that we feel fit our standards. Our customer service is most important because our customers are most important. We want you to feel special every time you shop with us. Everyone who takes the time to shop with us is special, so we try to go above and beyond to help everyone find exactly what they need. Being a part of the community in a way makes us more than just a store. I hope that when people think of our store they think of it as a small business that has a small hometown feel. Its not always easy running a small business. We have faced many challenges like opening a store during covid. The biggest thing I have learned along the way is that you have to faith things will get better when they are hard. Also that if something isn’t working sometimes you need to pivot. Business especially retail is ever changing and being able to change and adapt to that is crucial. I am always learning what works best in my business and how I can make things better. Even though we have two locations I want people to know that this is a small business run by a family who gets really excited every time you shop with us.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One of my favorite things is to go downtown Charleston with visiting family. We park on king street walk down, shop at some of the local boutiques. Walk all the way down to the battery and look at the beautiful houses, walk up to waterfront park to the pineapple fountain and down to the market. If you visit Charleston with me, be ready to walk a lot! We love to eat seafood at Hanks, or bbq at Poogans smokehouse. Of course in our own town Summerville we have some adorable shops in downtown Summerville, hit up a Saturday morning farmers market. Walk Azalea park in the early spring or my favorite the winter when the camellias are in bloom. In the Evenings grab amazing drinks at The Azalea Bar. In the Nexton area of Summerville show off our store Tweedle Beedle and grab a latte from my favorite coffee shop BKeDSHoP, they also have great donuts.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My family made me who I am and why I feel I have found my success. My mother who is fiercely independent and strong. She taught me to be the same way by being a great example of how to work to get what you want. My father who has been supportive of all my goals and will always talk through any struggle with me. Lastly my grandmother who is the strongest member of our family and will go out of her way to support, help and fight for anyone in her family. They shaped me into who I am today which makes me the kind of person who isn’t afraid of failure, makes goals, reaches them, and uplifts others to do the same.

Website: https://tweedlebeedle.com

Instagram: tweedlebeedle

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-button-577a98105

Facebook: tweedlebeedle

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.