We had the good fortune of connecting with Lauren Cupp and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lauren, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I needed something for me. Something that I could focus on that would require me to use both my creativity and my problem-solving skills; something that would give me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. That may sound harsh since I AM the primary caretaker for my three young children – but it’s true. I love my children, and my love for them is stronger than I ever thought was possible. While I wasn’t necessarily sad to leave my career behind once my firstborn was born immunocompromised (and therefore unable to go to daycare), over the years I’ve struggled with what I’m supposed to be “doing” with my life.

It’s not like I’m not busy – like I said, I have three young kids (ages 6, 3, and 2). I’m constantly making snacks, resolving arguments, getting out coloring supplies, putting away those supplies, cleaning up spilled messes, filling up water bottles, killing scary bugs, and so much more. But as I said at the beginning of this response, I wanted something for ME. I wanted something to pour my passion and long-lost creativity into. I wanted to work hard at something and see results.

When my friend said she was looking for a second shooter (she’s a wedding photographer), I jumped at the opportunity. Almost immediately after finding my first-ever professional camera, I decided to take this opportunity a step further and start my own photography business. And…here I am!

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I pride myself on capturing the families I photograph authentically. I prioritize learning their story over capturing the “perfect” picture, because I want my client’s photos to remind them of who they are. Anyone can have a picture of themselves standing and smiling at the camera – and don’t get me wrong, those pictures can be really pretty! But I want my families to show me a favorite activity of theirs, whether that’s building block towers or going creek-stomping. When they hang this photo on their wall, I want them to be drawn right back into the memory of whatever shenanigans we were getting into during our session every time they walk by. I personally believe that’s much more powerful when we’re doing something that is meaningful to each family, rather than finding a pretty location and taking another stock family photo.

It hasn’t been easy to get to where I am with my business. As a SAHM, I’m constantly juggling what I don’t have time to accomplish; updating my website, making more social media content (my primary form of marketing), playing with my kids, spending one-on-one time with my husband, etc. I also have ADHD and other mental health disorders (let me tell ya, I’m SUPER fun), as well as Type 1 Diabetes, which means I need to be protective of my time, mental space, and energy.

There have been many times (especially recently; I’m currently attempting to come back from a period of burnout) when I’ve asked myself if I should just give up my business. I’m thankful that each time, my immediate answer has been no. While time management feels impossible most days, I love my business. I’m grateful for the families I get to work with, the creativity I get to use in my artwork, and for the people whose lives I get to positively impact.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’ll be honest, I’ve only lived in Columbia, SC for a little under two years! And with me having my 3 kids and a growing business…I don’t get out much. It’s something I’m working on!

But if my best friend was coming to visit, we would definitely head to Azalea Coffee first for a coffee and a locally made pastry. I would show her my favorite photo spots downtown and in the surrounding areas (a few of them are the Capitol building, top of a parking garage, and the Riverbanks Botanical Gardens) over the week. We would definitely go dine at Bourbon one night, because I like to remind myself that I am an adult and their food and drinks are DELICIOUS. We would take my kids to the Riverbanks Zoo one day, as well as Lake Murray. We would also hike the Timmerman Trail and hope we don’t run into any snakes.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I want to dedicate my shoutout to my husband, Matt. He’s here to support me when I’m feeling low, cheer me on when I’m doubting myself, brainstorm solutions when I’m stuck, and remind me to take regular breaks (because I often forget to do that).

In addition, while I firmly believe that fathers should be actively parenting (after all – they’re parents, too) and shouldn’t necessarily be celebrated for doing things that moms do regularly for zero recognition, starting my own business did cause a dramatic shift in our schedule as a family. I’m working most weekends and week nights, which means Matt has been solo parenting much more than he used to. Change is hard, and I appreciate my husband for not only not questioning the changes in our schedule, but pushing for it so I could pursue this dream.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momentsbylaurennn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/momentsbylaurennn/

Image Credits
Lauren Cupp, Moments by Lauren Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.