We had the good fortune of connecting with Angela Hopkins and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Angela, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I’ve developed a close connection with my social media followers over the last 10 years with people from all over the world, through our mutual love of the band One Direction, (I’m a huge Niall fan from the start!). I am truly blessed with getting to know and connect with over 30K followers on my X (Twitter) account.

I started out as a normal “fan account.” As I am fluent in Japanese, I started translating band members’ English tweets to Japanese so I could help fans in Japan understand the context of the tweets. Naturally, I progressed to becoming an update account about the band. Thankfully, many people in Japan seemed to have found my tweets helpful.

I’ve always been passionate about meeting new people and traveling. In fact, for my concert & homestay tour business, that’s how it all started: through Twitter! As I was getting to know fellow fans, I learned that many people wanted to travel overseas and/or attend Niall (One Direction) concerts but hesitate due to language barriers or having limited travel experience. I wanted to utilize my experience as a translator/interpreter to help break that barrier that may be holding people back from making that trip happen. I wanted people to feel confident that everything is taken care of: itineraries, transportation, lodging, and event tickets. I wanted my guests to have the best tour ever.

What should our readers know about your business?
I live by the quote “love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I am truly blessed that this is my life. I find joy in personalizing itineraries for guests and I believe that what sets me apart from other traveling agencies is that I like to connect on a personal level with guests and make a one and only itinerary, a “VIP experience” that other traveling agencies may not be able to make happen. I am not only bilingual, I am “bi-cultural” which I believe gives me an advantage to helping understand what Japanese guests would like to see and experience in the United States, and vice versa.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This might be my favorite question!

I find joy in personalizing itineraries. As each individual is unique and have different passions and “hot buttons”, the itineraries I make may vary, even if touring the same location.

Example) my best friend’s number one priority is to see Niall’s concert in Charlotte, North Carolina.

I will plan the itinerary around the main event (concert) as follows:

Day 1: “Welcome Day” As she (or other guests) may be traveling long distance to arrive to Greenville, South Carolina, for a homestay and concert tour, the first day will be “Orientation” a day to settle in. A welcome dinner will be served at home, something casual and easy to eat, like tacos.

Day 2: “Sight-seeing Day in Greenville” I will take my guest(s) to Downtown Greenville and be the designated “photographer” as there are plenty opportunities for beautiful photos, visit shops, and enjoy meals at unique restaurants downtown.

Day 3: “Preparation Day” for the big day (concert) tomorrow! I will make sure my friend and everyone on my tour is ready for the main event, I will happily offer help to make any signs, posters, and shop for concert supplies,

Day 4: “Concert Day” We will leave Greenville for the concert in Charlotte (about 2 hour drive away) and have a great time!!! Spend the night in a Charlotte hotel.

Day 5: “Sight-seeing Day in Charlotte” I will take my friend & guests around places of interest in Charlotte, depending on guest interest. Drive back to Greenville in evening.

Day 6: “Thank you Dinner” and a house party to conclude a fun tour. I will also utilize this day to take my friend/guests to places or stores that they did not get to visit yet and allow opportunities to shop for souvenirs, etc.

Day 7: “Farewell Day” I drop off guests at the airport and assist with check-in. Guests leave Greenville and head back home.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d like to give a shoutout to Mr. Niall Horan, the very artist who inspired me to make my dreams a reality!
And a big shoutout to my mom. No words can describe how thankful I am to have her in my life.

Website: https://www.angelaxhoran.com/

Instagram: @angelaxhoran

Twitter: @AngelaxHoran

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