We had the good fortune of connecting with Katy von Kuhn and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Katy, what matters most to you?
I am a genuine lover of people. So much of my drive in the food industry has to do with the bottom line of serving others. I’m an extrovert by nature, so inviting people into my home is a natural expression of love for me. The passion of My Daily Delish is to empower others to do the same thing. It can be intimidating to sign up for a meal train or to offer to bring your neighbors dinner if you aren’t comfortable in the kitchen. The aim of my website and cookbook is to deliver simple and delicious recipes that will be a winner every time. The best compliment to me is when someone says “you’ve grown my confidence in the kitchen.'” The story of My Daily Delish really isn’t about me- it’s about bringing more love and kindness and generosity into the world. My vehicle for doing that just so happens to be food! We are all so much more alike than we think we are. Food is a natural connector.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I began My Daily Delish after a couple years of sharing my recipes on my personal Instagram. I received so many requests to create a cookbook or a food blog, that one day I quite literally just decided- what the heck. Let’s do this. I haven’t looked back once. Creating a food blog and running my instagram is so natural for me. I love sharing my life with people, answering cooking related questions for others, and putting delicious food into the world. In that regard, it has been incredibly simple. I’m naturally sharing who I am and what I love. On the flip side, having to be in charge of all the details as an army of one can be incredibly daunting and tiring. I am grateful that I have a handful of people I can call on for help, whether that be friends who have marketing and SEO knowledge, or photographers who can come over and capture my vision.
There are a million food blogs out there so it can be difficult to break through and penetrate the space, but I am proud to own my small sliver of the internet. I really do believe that by just adding a few additional ingredients, you can elevate most dishes and make them extraordinary. That’s my goal- to maximize flavor with minimal effort. I believe this is possible and aim to get more people in their own kitchens doing this every single day.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We have only been in Greenville for a year now, which gives me a great perspective on the city! I’m a newbie who has absolutely fallen in love with my new city.

If it was a week long trip, the first few days would begin in downtown Greenville. For two nights we would stay at Hotel Hartness and lounge poolside, riding the hotel bikes and eating at their fabulous restaurant. Then we’d move into the city and stay at the Poinsette Westin, my favorite. Mornings would include brunch at Soby’s, then drinks at Juniper and dinner at Jianna. Oku is a second favorite. The second half of the trip would look like a drive out to the coast to visit Charleston, while staying at an airbnb on Isle of Palms. We’d eat at SNOB and have drinks at Vendue.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Growing up, I was the resident sous-chef for my mom. My job was always to prep the salad. I’m thankful for my mom teaching me how to cook, and for working so tirelessly to provide a homecooked meal for us most nights. I am also forever indebted to my group of best friends who have sat with me, taste-tested recipes, washed dishes, babysat my kids, and cheered my on as I’ve built this company. There is nothing- and I mean nothing- like the camaraderie of women who really believe in you.

Website: www.mydailydelish.com

Instagram: @mydailydelish

Linkedin: Katy von Kuhn

Facebook: facebook.com/mydailydelish

Image Credits
Emily Solberg Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.