In our experience, most folks, including ourselves don’t have enough of an understanding of risk and the role it plays in our lives and careers and so we have made a concerted effort as a team to have conversations about risk with our interviewees. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Debbie Bzdyl | Abstract Artist

I don’t usually think of myself as a risk taker. But risk has greatly influenced my career path.

My first big career risk was leaving my graphic design job at Clemson University to start my own graphic design business. During the 5 years at Clemson, I was also doing freelance design work in the evenings and weekends. After a while the volume of my freelance work forced me to make a decision: either cut back on the freelance work or leave the security of a university job and start my own business. Read more>>

Matt Johnson | Pastor & Church Planter

I tell folks all the time, “Life is an adventure”. Most times we have no idea what is around the corner. That is essentially the definition of risk. Adventures are risky. Being a pastor, I take that saying even further, “Life following Jesus is an adventure.” As C.S. Lewis put it, in “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe”, the beaver was asked about Aslan, “Is he quite safe? No, said the beaver, he isn’t safe, but he is good.” Trusting the character of the one who’s offering the risky opportunity assures us of a good reward. Risk is never totally safe. If it were safe, it would not be a risk. Read more>>

Ana Tomb | Small Business Owner

To me risk is just something that comes with making decisions on a daily basis. As a business owner, risk is constantly present. From the moment you decide that you want to open your own business, you start thinking “What if I fail?” “What if I lose money?” “What if no one likes my product?” These are all very real risks, but I think that there is also that part of us that needs to be courageous and not allow these things to hold us back. If we don’t try, we will never know if it could work. Read more>>

Claudia Wallace | Social Media Influencer & Junior at Clemson University

When it comes to risk taking I view the risk as the reward. What I mean by this is, when debating whether or not to take the risk, I immediately imagine a scenario in which the risk pays off. If one is considering doing anything in life, they should consider doing it to the fullest. Also take into consideration, “What if it works out?” “What if it actually goes according to plan?” If we spend all of our time harping on the possibility of negatives, then those possibilities become realities. Read more>>

Cliff Carden | Vision Caster & Entrepreneur

I am comfortable with risk. As long as my wife is on the same page, of course! I enjoy taking risks and I believe that taking risks is necessary to create something new. Fundamentally, I feel I am tasked to fiscally steward resources and strive to wisely implement that task to my projects and businesses. Read more>>