We had the good fortune of connecting with Christiana Zachary and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Christiana, what led you to pursuing a creative path professionally?
Although I’ve always harbored a deep appreciation for art, my academic background lies firmly rooted in the sciences. I obtained my undergraduate degree in Biology and Evolutionary Anthropology from the University of Oregon in 2019. The pandemic presented a wonderful time to return and get my master’s in education. I am still working in the sciences as a high school science teacher, however, life has a way of surprising us, and it was during my recent relocation that my art business budded. When my husband and I uprooted our lives from the beautiful mountain town of Jackson, Wyoming to be closer to family, we found ourselves relying heavily on the generosity of those around us throughout the move. One family was particularly gracious with us and in a gesture of gratitude, I painted portraits of cherished family pets for that supportive household. The heartfelt response to my artwork was overwhelming. From this humble beginning, word-of-mouth swiftly spread, and before long, I found myself with many commission requests.

It’s been a surprising journey to witness how my passion for art has blossomed into this unexpected business venture. As I continue to navigate this newfound artistic path, I find much joy and purpose in the personalized nature of my commissions. Each piece is a unique expression of the client and I feel so fortunate to be able to use this talent in this way. In the beginning, I mainly worked on custom dog paintings and ornaments. People love their pets and this is a wonderful way to memorialize that. Now, I am working on more naturalistic paintings for Spring. While acrylic commission paintings are my main business, I am looking to expand next year by offering prints of my smaller works and prints of the film photography I have done. I would love to see this business grow into a primary source of income. Education and teaching are important jobs, but they are challenging careers to pursue at the moment, and in the long term, they do not meet the needs of my family. Art offers me the flexibility to be at home with my loved ones.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I think one thing that sets my art apart from other people is the personalization that comes along with a commission. When someone reaches out to me about a piece, they usually have some kind of vision or idea of what they want, but not the ability to carry it out. That is where I enjoy bringing the client’s piece to life. This personalized approach not only ensures that each piece is unique, but also creates a deeply meaningful connection between the artwork and its owner. Engaging with clients, understanding their stories, and incorporating their emotions into the art makes each commission a special collaboration. It’s this partnership and the process of co-creation that set my work apart, providing a bespoke piece that truly reflects the client’s desires and personality. One of the challenges in doing commission pieces is ensuring the customers satisfaction with the piece. I ask first that clients understand my artistic style and communicate through the process of creation.

One thing I have learned through this process and most creative endeavors is to not give up when you have a creative mental block. The scientist in me like to make things very formulaic. This is something that can sometimes hinder the artistic process if not kept in balance. Alton Brown once said “Cooking is an observation-based process that you can’t do if you’re so completely focused on a recipe’ and I feel like this is true too of art. Sometimes when you are so focused on the fact that you are painting a nose or a flower, you lose the ability to blend together the whole picture. When this happens, it’s best to get a new perspective. I like to go outside and exercise or even turn the painting upside down! And when I want to beat myself up or am overly critical of my work, I find peace In reminding myself that all I can hope to do at the end of the day is capture the beauty of what God has already done.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I live walking distance to Simpsonville and LOVE this little city. If I am meeting up with a friend I am going to suggest Chestnut for Coffee first thing in the morning, I love their seasonal Rose latte. My husband and I eat at least once a week it feels like at Papa’s and Beer. He’s been visiting there since he was a kid back when Willy Taco was Upstate Karate and it has so many memories for him. Nothing beats the Ice Cream Station! I love their flavors and the owners are some of the most genuine people you will ever meet! They are also so focused on health which makes me feel great about how they source their products. One of my favorite places to get clothes and accessorize is Pink Owl downtown. They have such fun and colorful summer clothes so I would for sure take a friend to peruse their store. However, our absolute favorite is Unterhausen! I lived for a period of time in Germany and love how much this place invokes my memory of my time there. The wine is imported and fantastic and their food is very authentic- I didn’t realize we were such foodies, but I guess we are!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
As Cliche as it sounds, my husband has been my biggest supporter. He bought me all my supplies at the beginning as a surprise just so I could start painting as a hobby again. He is thrilled that I have been able to accomplish so much with it. I also want to thank all of those who have enjoyed and supported my art thus far. It is flattering to know that people like the things that I am creating.

Website: https://czacharyart.my.canva.site/

Instagram: c.n.zachary

Image Credits
Ashely Merritt Photography (my headshot)

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.