We had the good fortune of connecting with Lisa Cyckowski and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lisa, can you tell us more about your background and the role it’s played in shaping who you are today?

I was born and raised in Fanwood, NJ where I lived, raised a family. I have 3 wonderful boys. Then, in the Spring of 2022 my husband and I were seeking a unique place to retire to.  After visiting a friend in Travelers Rest, SC, we were hooked! Upstate SC met our needs and love for nature, our avid interest in motorcycling, as well as my own personal artistic flair and need to connect with a thriving and diverse art community.

How does your background impact and influence your art?

Since the age of five, I was always very creative; drawing and doodling.  When I was eight years old, my father – also an artist – gave me my first set of charcoals. Being a shy person and always a bit of a loner, I spent a lot of time drawing by myself.  I used to draw just about anything that appealed to still life, shapes, designs, people’s faces. And, in school, art was my favorite subject. I  equally enjoyed other creative forms of artistic expression whether it be for myself and/or school projects.

What sets you apart from others as an artist?

From a personal standpoint, most likely, apart from being sensitive as most other artists are, I’m a people watcher. A major observer of life and people around me. I also have this uncanny knack for people (even total strangers) to open up to me and tell me their life stories. Something about me obviously makes them feel comfortable and safe to open up and share. And, me being shy by nature, this is perfect because I can listen and don’t have to talk.

What sets my artwork apart from other artists…I’ve been told countless times that my style of art is very distinctive. It’s very colorful, bright and vivid (even somewhat whimsical), and has the capacity to make people smile and think.  My work is a reflection of the world around us and in real time.

What are you most proud of? Excited about?

I am most proud of my marriage and the success of my three sons. Also, when I was five years old, I said that I wanted to be an artist. And, now I can with utmost confidence call myself an artist. I am proud that I was able to accomplish that goal.

What I’m most excited about is being able to make more connections through art, and helping the mental health community by donating and/or volunteering my time and efforts. I’ve been blessed in the past to teach art to special needs adults (mainly those in the autistic spectrum) for a short period of time.

How did you get to where you are professionally?

I initially started out painting landscapes, but then took time off (approximately 20 years) to raise a family. When I later returned to art, I found that I no longer enjoyed painting landscapes. It no longer satisfied me and began to draw and paint faces. Soon after in 2015, I created a cartoonish character that I called “Stringer”.  “Stringer” © is a cartoonish string type character with two large eyes and a big red mouth. “Stringer” served as my liaison to talk about feelings and emotions. He served as my personal voice, as well as what others experienced in life. “Stringer” was an effective support for mental health.

Then, in 2017, my art took a different turn. I started to paint faces and my medium of choice was acrylic paints on canvas and paper. Eyes are prominent in my work. Eyes are like little characters walking around the canvas. Eyes are a connection to people’s souls.

The prominent feature of various eyes in my paintings reflects my own trait to always be looking around; observing and taking in the world in a constructive and creative visual sense.

Was it easy getting to where you are professionally today?

I’d have to say that it was; it all evolved organically….it just flowed. 

What are the lessons you learned along the way to become a professional artist?

I learned the need to show up every day and to be persistent: persistence, patience and the need to develop a tough skin in order to withstand rejection and to above all persevere.

What do you want the world to know about you?  About your art?

I would like the world to recognize and know that I love people, and am genuinely caring and interested in other people’s struggles and emotional well-being. I am who I am, my authentic self and what you see is what you get.

Through my artwork, I desire to convey how we’re all real, and how we can all connect on many different levels. It’s my hope and passion for others to not only observe my work, but to feel something from it, whatever that might be for them. Regardless of how many paintings I’ve sold over the years, I invariably receive the same personal joy and connection to the person who purchased it. In the end, I create art for myself, and if people connect to it, that’s a plus.

But, it’s really for my own mental health, to fulfill a creative journey and to satisfy my God given art spirit.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

Most definitely to Falls Reedy Park in Greenville, SC  due to its beauty and peaceful setting and landscapes. The falls that run through the center of town; the flower beds, the commissioned art sculptures that grace the park throughout; the ducks, geese, etc. Oh, yes, and to take them on a tour of the amazing Bohemian Hotel! I love the large agate rocks that abound both inside and outside the grounds. A restaurant that happens to be one of my favorites, is called The Nose Dive on South Main Street. They offer a lovely menu and feature big glass windows that open up straight to the street when it’s nice outside. They also have outdoor seating. My favorite coffee spot is the TRee House Cafe in Travelers Rest .

Another spot that I’d take them to is a drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Beautiful lookouts look outs along the way. Other places include Caesers Head and Jones Gap State Parks.

Who is the person you would give credit to most in your life/ artistic journey?

I would give credit to my super loving and supportive husband, Gene! He has supported my art journey from the beginning.

Website: Stringswithbenefits.com

Instagram: @lcyckowski

Facebook: Lisa Cyckowski

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