We had the good fortune of connecting with Daniel J. Williams and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Daniel J., what is the most important factor behind your success?
I’m being truthful and not cliche when I say that it’s by God’s Grace and His plan that I’m doing what I’m doing. I was always able to have an open person and easily found commonalities with anyone which made communicating with anyone not difficult. I tried other businesses that required me to be in a leadership role. Little did I know it was paving the path to where I am now. Helping other men grow, develop, transition, and pivot for a more impactful and influential them.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
As I’ve stated I’m a Men’s Mindset & Performance. The name of my Coaching and Speaking platform is named ACT ACCORDINGLY. In the beginning I simply wanted to help everyone since I enjoy seeing others grow and develop beyond what they may believe is their best. I like showing them there’s still more. As I matures in age and encountered more life and the mistakes we made I eventually looked around and realized that men weren’t looked at as also having burdens that they deal with from childhood into manhood. Women received all the consideration and we referring to men were being treated like machinery and void of feelings. Between my own mistakes and looking at why a great deal of men are why they are I decided we also need an advocate. ACT ACCORDINGLY isn’t about being alpha males but returning to being men that were respected and honored due to his character, integrity, and how he was depended on. ACT ACCORDINGLY is about helping men repair what we’ve allowed to be broken within ourselves and the standards that God gave us to live in accordance with. My belief is when the men return to the men that not ruled over their homes and communities but directed them with high morals standards that the chaotic culture we are witnessing can then be brought back into a more family considerate standing. We as men allowed ourselves to become distracted which brought disarray to the family and eventually our communities and societal disorder.
ACT ACCORDINGLY isn’t a catchy name or phrase but a call to action for men to repair the breach within so that we can repair the breach of our homes, communities, society, and cultural disorders we now have

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My mother was my example and cheerleader all my life. I watched my mother create businesses from the gifts and skills she possessed. She never had to have any training outside of sheer desire to enhance what aptitudes and gifts she had. I didn’t realize how much I was studying her until others brought to my attention natural abilities that I had for certain activities, such as speaking and narrating. I’ve met many other phenomenal people along my timeline but my mother is the greatest influence in my life.

Instagram: 2actaccordingly

Facebook: Daniel J. Williams

Image Credits
Photographer: Christopher Rowland Company: Kingz Vizion

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.