TV, Movies, and culture in general sometimes paints a narrow, specific image of what success is, but we know from our conversations with some of the best and brightest that success can mean vastly different things to different people.

Mike Ungar | Business Coach and Executive Coach

Each person has to define success for themselves. One cannot rely on someone else to do this for them. Defining success for oneself is liberating and empowering. I like to define success by setting measurable goals and focusing on achieving those goals. The analogy I use when thinking about defining success is that of going on a road trip. You don’t leave on a road trip without a destination in mind otherwise you risk going nowhere. That doesn’t prevent you from changing your destination along the way if you decide there is somewhere else you would like to go. It is the same thing with goal setting. If while working towards your goal you learn something that causes you to consider changing them, then so be it. It is likely that you have already achieved much because you set goals to begin with. Read more>>

Micah Taylor | Film Director and Owner of Electric Soul

Our mission at Electric Soul is to elevate and empower people through our work. When I began this company in 2016, I was really discontent with the state of the commercial production industry. In the film industry, people are expected to work incredibly long hours (12-16 hours days) while being asked to take less money and often have to wait one to three months to get paid. That’s not sustainable. People aren’t commodities, they aren’t tools; they are valuable, creative, hard-working souls who are trying to provide for their families by creating something. So Electric Soul really began with the mission of changing the industry (or at least the small part of it where we have influence) to create something that was sustainable for the artists and laborers who pour so much into it. Read more>>

Monique Duell | Founder of This Ability LLC, Author, Advocate & Radio Show Host

I define success as the proper execution of your God-given assignment. Whether your assignment is in ministry or in the marketplace, following God’s blueprint for your life will result in prosperity and success, even as your soul prospers. Read more>>