We had the good fortune of connecting with Taylor Mims and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Taylor, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
Whoo! Where do I begin? I never saw myself owning my own business, but it has definitely been one of my biggest blessings. In 2019 I was hired as a Wax Specialist at European Wax Center. Ive always loved waxing and my passion grew stronger in 2020. During the Covid-19 shut down, I decided to jump and have faith to prepare myself to start my own business. I was desperate to learn more, so it was imperative to educate myself about being a full time business owner. I read many articles and watched vlogs of other entrepreneurs in my industry. It helped, but I must say that Im very thankful to come from a family full of entrepreneurs! My parents were there for me every step of the way. They constantly were there to give me guidance and reassurance when I needed it most. Throughout the process I learned that starting a business involved careful planning and execution. You must outline your business plan like your vision, purpose, mission, and finances. At times I felt defeated and overwhelmed with thoughts of failure and the unknown. But the lesson in it all is to have faith and to trust the process. You must believe that everything will work out perfectly!

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
When building Waxed by Tay, I wanted my business to stand out. I believe in being different. I always told myself that I never wanted my business to be like these typical waxing chains. I believe in creating a comfortable safe space for all of my clients with a luxury feel. Its a good feeling to know when clients enjoy the space you created. I love when they come in and feel comfortable enough to vent or express their feeling on certain situations not feeling judged or chastised. Or even even when they have an eyebrow appointment and decide to grab a blanket to take a nap. You never know what others are going through so to be that person that brings comfort is an amazing feeling.

I am excited to see what this new year will bring for Waxed by Tay! I am big on setting personal goals for myself and for my business. But one goal I have been praying on is expanding my business. I truly believe that 2024 is my year of expansion! That currently is the next goal I’d like to achieve.

When having a business there is 2 key factors everyone must know.
1) Consistency
2) Staying Teachable
These 2 factors have helped me get where I am today business-wise. In the beauty industry you have to be consistent in your line of work. Thats mainly what keeps your clients coming back. Staying teachable is also important not only in the business world but also in life. I feel like having a teachable mindset allows room for growth, and you’ll be surprised where that knowledge will take you. None of these factors are easy to live by. And we all have our moments where we fall short but discipline is needed.

A lesson that I have learned in business is to always trust yourself. Opinions are not needed from others. Never let anyone dictate or tell you what to do with your vision. People are always going to have an opinion but don’t let their opinions get to your head. Believe and speak life into yourself!

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I love Downtown Charleston! Mainly for the food and shopping. I love fine dining and there are so many amazing restaurants to choose from. But my favorite restaurant there is Galpao Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse. If you’ve never been there it is a must that you go! One of my favorite local stores there is Candlfish. Its such a neat store. In November of 2022 my bridesmaids and I took a candle making class there. The class was about 2 hours long, and the instructor gave us all the instructions and necessary ingreidient on candle making. At the we each made 2 of our own candles. Im a huge fan of Bath & Body Works, but these candles were much better.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Gratitude doesn’t even begin to cover it! A HUGE shoutout to my amazing family for being my rock and biggest supporters on this entrepreneurial journey.

Through every obsticle, their encouragement has been my driving force. From the late-nights brainstorming to the uplifting words during moments of doubt, they’ve been there, cheering me on every step of the way.

And of course my husband, my forever best friend! I am so lucky to have you Zach. He’s been there for me since the beginning and has seen my vision grow. He has supported me every step of the way. He continues to push me to be my best self and constantly reminds me of how proud he is. I can’t Thank him enough!

Website: www.waxedbytay.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/waxedbytayllc/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/waxedbytayllc/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.