We had the good fortune of connecting with Lisa Borne Graves and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lisa, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
Being creative never felt like a choice, but more of a necessity. Growing up, reading and writing were an outlet for me, mainly to purge a nonstop, endless imagination. Of course, they are learned skills, but somehow I was innately in tune with words, reading at two years old and writing by four. Today, they might say I had hyperlexia (type 3) which gave me excelled skills with both reading and writing that faded a bit over time as well as some struggles that came with such a gift. I learned later that I have ADHD which some don’t realize has something called “hyperfocus” where we get in “the zone,” and I do that with reading, writing, and editing novels. It means I can do these for hours an do them fairly quickly. In short, the way my brain is wired, I was meant to be an author, editor, and English Lecturer. I simply cannot function–or sleep–if I don’t expend creative energy every day. Call it therapeutic or a calling, but I’m at my best in life when I take some time out of my day to use my mind to create.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
What sets my writing apart from other authors–I think–is how in-depth I get into my characters’ heads and how I present that to readers. My path has come with tons of reading. I’m sure I’ve read thousands of books by now, but what I have to credit the most for my depth was learned on the stage. Aside from reading and writing since childhood, devouring the classics and writing screenplays in teenhood, I sought out a solid education. I earned an English Lit. degree but also a theatre degree (Coastal Carolina University) and a Masters in English (The College of Charleston and The Citadel). Theatre taught me so much about characters. I actually use everything I learned in acting to develop them without having to write extra notes down or do exercises to create them. I BECOME them, meaning when I write, I put myself in a role to play them as if on stage or screen. This gives me a deep point-of-view that makes the reader feel that they truly know my characters. Also, an education in English gave me the ability to develop plots without having to intricately plan them.

Aside from character depth, what readers should know about my books are my themes surround strife and destiny, and how autonomy and love can triumph over both. It’s a theme in my everyday life that I teach my son.

What I’m most excited about is my 2024 spring release of GLIMMER, the 4th and final book of The Immortal Transcripts series–the first book of the series being my first completed novel.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Wow, this is difficult! I live in Myrtle Beach, so it is catered to tourists with all kinds of tastes. Knowing my besties, though, we’d hit up the pool or the Golden Mile to enjoy the beach and envision living in beach-front mansions. After, we’d dine out in a tasty mom-and-pop restaurant like Masala Indian Bistro (Myrtle Beach), Blue Elephant Thai Cuisine (Murrells Inlet), or Melt (Myrtle Beach) where my kid devours pizza. Over the next few days, we’d visit Brookgreen Gardens (Murrells), the Ripley’s Aquarium (Myrtle), and shop at the Tanger Outlets. Mini golf would be on the list if kids are present, and the adults would play golf on one of many choices of courses. I’d hope my besties would have time also for Alligator Adventure (North Myrtle Beach) and Atalaya Castle (Murrells). I’m a local, so there are so many touristy places and off-the-beaten-track places I’m not mentioning. Honestly, lots to do around here and many great restaurants.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
So many people. This is hard, and I apologize for leaving anyone out. First, I’d have to say my success stems from my parents, particularly my mom who noticed my early fascination with words and read to me and told me stories to overcome my fears and struggles. My parents showed me what determination and hard work can bring. Also, my husband has always supported me and will do his art during my creative escapes and shares duties so I have time to write. Major shout out to my son who has overcome every health and disability obstacle in his path, proving to me perseverance equals success. Honestly, I had taken a hiatus getting my novels published when he was born–but kept writing, of course. When he was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and later a seizure disorder, and I watched him rally, fight, and overcome everything put in his path like a mini superman, I mentally created a new mantra: If he could do it, I could do anything. I threw my hat in the ring again, and just like that, landed a publisher and then another. I pumped out eight books over five years. I feel like I learned and succeeded the most after becoming a mother of a child with special needs.

I would have to say my second publisher, Authors 4 Authors Publishing was key into making me a solid writer and editor. The same goes for my critique group Carolina Forest Authors Club and all the other local authors in my close-knit, yet touristy community. Part of this tight-knit community includes the support of co-workers at the university and local bookstores and businesses: Back Again Bookshop (Myrtle Beach), Our Next Chapter Bookstore (Conway), and Bookends (North Myrtle Beach). A special shoutout to the restaurant Melt (Myrtle Beach)–my kid’s favorite place to eat–for hosting my book launches. Last, thanks to the literacy nonprofits I have worked with including Palmetto Literacy Council and Freedom Readers, as well as the nonprofit Champion Autism Network (CAN) who gave my son the opportunities for an enriched childhood through sensory friendly events.

Website: https://www.lisabornegraves.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisabornegraves

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisabornegraves

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisabornegravesauthor

Other: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lisabornegraves

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.