We had the good fortune of connecting with Jason Armstrong and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jason, how do you think about risk?
I am a firm believer in taking calculated, educated risk. Life is risky and nothing in life doesn’t involve risk. I often vacillate between something an old football coach told me, which is “you think long, you think wrong” and an intricate evaluation process. At the end my final question to myself is “what’s the WORST that can happen? If everything goes completely sideways will I be ok with that outcome” if the answer to that is yes..then I’ll make the move. But I think risk taking is a learned art, much like critical thinking. They actually go hand in hand to me. I can honestly say that good or bad, my ability to take risk, own my decisions and be ok with the final outcome..good or bad, has been key to were I am.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I like to think that my business is one of togetherness, sharing celebration. The essence of Den of thieves is “honor among thieves” in the best, greatest sense of the word. taking care of your family, your crew, your guild in the BEST and WORST times. I think I got were I am today because I’ve been fortunate enough to have people that took the time to help me up when I was done and be by my side to celebrate when I was up…and they were the SAME people. I was taught a longtime ago that nothing is as hard, or as easy as it seems..The thing that I’m most proud of is taking Den of thieves from an idea I had in my head and making it a tangible product that I could hold, share and hopeful use as a vehicle to help others. Again…taking care of my fellow and future thieves…lol

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
That’s an easy one…During the day we’ go people waiting at Bethesda fountain in Central park…you get an amazing cross section of people walking thru there. We’d definitely hit one of my two favorite cigar lounges in the city..Soho cigars or Merchants…Both have great cocktails, AND they carry Den of Thieves. Then a steak house..there’s quite a few good ones, but one of my favorites is Plataforma in the city or Flatiron in park slope. Then some live music, since I’m a Jazz lover, particularly the sax…we’d find someplace to vibe..Then finally one of the great speakeasy’s NY is know for.. probably the rabbit hole. The thing about NYC is there always something amazing to do..from food to museums to music, bars or just roaming around the city finding hidden gems

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have a few 1. My family, friends and loved one..I wouldn’t be where I am without them. 2. 3 books: The Art of war, The art of seduction, 48 laws of power and Rich dad/Poor dad
3. Football…It literally taught me how to get knocked on my ass, shake it off, get up and keep on going

Website: Denofthieveswhiskey.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/denofthieves_whiskey?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

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