We asked folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice that they disagree with.
Jade Pruett | SEO Specialist & Startup Founder
I often hear rhetoric that you should be more “masculine” to excel in business. You need to apply to jobs you’re not qualified for, pretend you already know everything, and chase solely chase money. I tried those things for awhile with not much luck. Turns out, interviewing for jobs you know little about is embarrassing. Read more>>
Mia Hamilton | Marketing Innovator
While this piece of advice doesn’t come in the form of a nifty little quote, I feel that we live in a society that is incredibly future-focused. Everyone is always looking towards a future life plan, future dreams, future goals, and simply the future. We have this warped belief that the future equates to bigger and better than what we have now. I have to disagree with this. Read more>>
Olivia Tucker | Chiropractor & Business Owner
I firmly reject the notion that a person is incapable of healing from a medical condition or disease. Our bodies are marvels of creation, designed with an inherent capacity for self-repair. As long as breath fills our lungs, the potential for healing persists. A diagnosis, in essence, is a label assigned to a set of symptoms, often without a definitive cause. Read more>>
Laura McCann | Founder & CEO Adoratherapy
Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern where an individual doubts their accomplishments, skills, or talents and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud.” Despite external evidence of their competence, it is said that those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds and are underserving of the success they have achieved. They attribute their accomplishments to luck rather than to ability, and fear that others will eventually unmask them as a fraud. Read more>>
Tori Buck | Wedding Photographer of 21 years
“It take money to make money”…FALSE. Sometimes all you have to have is determination and a fabulous work ethic to achieve your dream- a “nothing is going to stop me vibe”. Being able to also be creative while doing it is just an added bonus in my book. Just an observation from my experience and how I got to where I am at in my career as a professional wedding photographer of 21 years. Hard work pays off! Read more>>