We had the good fortune of connecting with Rebecca Powell and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rebecca, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?
What is work life balance? I feel this trendy term for finding balance between the hustle and the rest of your life was created by a generation of burnt out individuals grasping at an ideal version of life seen on Pinterest boards. When you are trying to gain balance you find yourself slipping towards one edge of the balance beam or the other. And I say this as one of those burnt out individuals complaining about a lack of work life balance. But I changed my perspective, I focused on what brings sparks joy, what is important to me and my family. When that became first and foremost, everything else falls into place. Sure I have some very early mornings and some very late nights when I am working on several tight deadlines all at the same time, but I also took a Saturday off to celebrate a friend, go for a hike or cook my famous (to my family) apple pie. My advice isn’t to have a perfect schedule and make sure every day is perfectly balanced, if anything that is more stressful. You need to look at the balance in a big picture not as individual days, when was the last time you went on a date with your husband? Or learned a new skill just for fun? Focus on those things and the “daily grind” isn’t as daunting, and perhaps even fun!

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am an artist with a focus on watercolor illustration. My paintings are never “perfect” there is always a touch of whimsy, and youthful feel. I paint to bring smiles on the faces of those who come across my pieces, in stores or online! I want to spark joy through my art.

I started painting watercolor as a creative outlet in my tiny apartment. In college I focused on sculptural pieces but afterwards I did not have the space for such projects and needed something creative to do in my free time, I tried watercolors! And feel in love with it. It was a learning curve, and I believe my skills have improved even since moving to full-time. But making this fun hobby into a business was not for the faint of heart. It has taken a lot of faith and hard work. But I am proud to say April of 2024 will mark year 5 of being a full-time artist.

I have learned the biggest enemy is yourself and comparison. Don’t look at someone else journey and think you are failing because of the speed of their growth or the success of their launch dates. You need to stay focused on the goals you have and look at your accomplishments. Everyones path is different, everyones needs are different. Stay on your path and it will be a lot easier.

Southern’spirations as a brand started as a lifestyle blog during my senior year of college in 2015 since then it has transformed into a watercolor center brand where I sell prints and giftables (mugs, dishtowels etc) inspired by the style, floral, landscape and life around my in small town Hartsville South Carolina, and the Southeast. The business has expanded to include branding clients that want a watercolor magic touch, brides looking for custom crests and wedding paper, and custom keepsake paintings. My goal is the same as day one, to spark joy and to make art attainable whether you buy a $9 art print for a $350 painting there is something for you.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
So I live in a very small town and I would suggest visiting me on the way to or from a week in Charleston, making the visit more of a fun weekend not a full week. Friday morning arrive in time for brunch at Maxyne’s, anything you order will be delicious but you have to order a side of her homemade chips. Then we have to check out all the fun shops downtown, pop in The Bleu Daisy, Wooden Pineapple and Pur McBarkin to name a few. We’d then head to Kalmia Gardens for a hike along Black Creek and see what flowers are in bloom. Best thing about South Carolina there is always something in bloom! Dinner at my house, because I am hostess with the mostest. Saturday morning we head to The Rooster for breakfast before heading to Fleur De Lis (You can find my art in booth 21) to go hunting for treasures. Then drive out to McLeod farms for fresh peach enchiladas, a well deserved snack after all that shopping. Go for a lovely country drive looping our way back into Hartsville just in time for dinner and drinks at Wild Heart Brewery. There is no way you will leave Hartsville without a treasure or two and a happy very full belly!

Hartsville is the small town with a big heart! Whether you get to spend several hours or several days, you will immediately feel welcome in this cozy spot of South Carolina.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I wouldn’t be were I am today without several people but all of them fall short to the glory of God! I believe my talents, and this path I am on are all because of Him. Whenever I doubt He shows me the way and gives me the confidence to keep going when times get hard.

Website: https://www.southernspirations.com

Instagram: @southernspirations

Facebook: @southernspirations

Youtube: @southernspirations

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.