We had the good fortune of connecting with Cam Brown and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Cam, what do you attribute your success to?
Definitely the most important factor behind the success of Integrity Nutrition is how much time we put into supporting our clients. We truly create a plan based on their lifestyle and schedule, so tackling weight loss together- when most of the women we work with have been frustrated and stuck for years- no longer feels impossible and overwhelming. We help coach clients through easy and small changes, personalized for them, so our program becomes the easiest and most successful “diet” that they’ve ever used to lose weight!

Because we truly spend so much time working and communicating with our clients, our brand continues to grow and grow because they invite friends and relatives into our community. The referrals are a sign that we are truly helping people and that it’s easy and really working- so then they share it with the people they care about and want to help too.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’m the CEO and head coach of Integrity Nutrition. We are an online nutrition and fitness coaching company that serves women who are tired of spending so much time dieting and not getting results. What sets Integrity apart from other coaching companies is that we are our clients last fat loss coach. We finally end the feeling of dieting year after year and get women to their dream bodies- without supplements or shots or crazy restriction.

Our clients average 30-50 pounds of weight loss depending on the program length. Aside from hitting weight loss goals, all of our clients end up having a much better relationship with food, finally feel comfortable in their own skin, and are educated on how to maintain their achieved fat loss for life. We teach them how to lose fat, we teach them how to keep it off forever, and we teach them how to appropriately fuel their body. “Eat the damn food” is our company motto.

Getting here was not easy by any means! There’s been a ton of challenges. I think the main way I’ve overcome them was just remembering why I started all of this- why I entered the nutrition field in the first place. I remember my own struggles with weight and how, before I lost almost a hundred pounds, how I constantly tried unsustainable diets and fell victim to the “eat less, more more” mentality that is directed at women. I would try some crazy diet, then fall off, and then feel like a complete failure and like there was something wrong with me.

Finally, after wasting years restricting and failing and seeing no progress- I quit the restrictive fad diet cycle. I switched to fueling my body and working out less- and I finally looked my best. I knew that I had to share this message with women everywhere. That you can eat carbs and fruit and have date nights with your husband and not spend hours in the gym, and look the way that you wanted to look! And that is how Integrity Nutrition was born- to help spread the message that food is fuel. That women don’t need to eat less and move more.

So every time I face a really tough challenge, I just remember that I started because I want to help other women. And no matter what comes up, if I focus on my clients who trust me and asked me to help them- it all turns out great and we keep moving forward.

I think the biggest lesson that I’ve learned along the way is to just stay in my own lane. Not to compare or worry about what anyone else is doing. It can be so hard- especially with online nutrition coaching- to not gauge your “success” based on likes or followers or any of that, but all of that actually has little to do with of the health of your business. I’ve seen people with huge businesses and followers and audiences be more stressed out and make less then companies that appear to be smaller or less successful because of horrible profit margins. I’ve learned that more isn’t always better. My biggest lesson is that money isn’t the goal- freedom is.

Goodness- what do I want the world to know about me and my brand or story… I guess that it’s only just beginning. I have a big goal to help 1,000,000 women finally reach sustainable and healthy weight loss- without restriction or shots or supplements- and to finally feel great about themselves. I have a long ways to go and I’m here to make a big impact.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Charleston is such a cool place to visit! Since we’re very into health and fitness- you would 100% catch us at Ethos for our workouts. It’s such a cool spot- plus with the saunas and the ice baths and the yoga classes, they really have it all.

Next I love a great coffee shop since I do a lot of working remotely, so we would 100% be visiting Mercantile & Mash in the Cigar Factory. Favorite breakfast place is Miller’s All Day for sure.

Charleston is such a foodie town there is a lot of eating out to do but here are the can’t miss restaurants:
-Best Burger: Post House Inn.. also, get the sweet potato bravas as an app.
-Best Raw Bar: 167 Raw for sure- everything is good. There will be an hour wait or more 🙂
-Best Charleston Feel: Southbound
-Best Date Night Vibe: Fig
-Best kid friendly place: it’s a tie between rancho lewis & hometeam (downtown location)
-Best brewery: Estuary (dog and kid friendly)

Aside from eating we have our dogs so you’ll catch us outdoors a lot- Hampton park, Kiawah County Park (dog friendly beach), and James Island County Park are all the places that we frequent!

When we leave the dogs at home we love to book a kayak or paddle board from Coastal Expeditions and paddle around the Lowcountry! My husband actually used to be a guide and is a huge nature nerd- so it’s like having our own tour. Plus we always see dolphins because he knows all the good spots. Doing the touristy things like rainbow row and walking the battery is always fun. And Second Sunday- when they close down half of king street- is a great thing to do! You can walk and shop and it’s very classic Charleston!

As far as night life- there’s a ton of options but I live the sober life so I’m probably a little out of touch 🙂

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My shoutout! Wow there are so many people behind Integrity and my business and what it has become this is actually really hard for me. Honestly- this might be a little unconventional- but I want to give a shoutout to Mitch Darnton. Mitch was my biggest supporter and hype man. He introduced me to really cool people, he always talked me up in rooms I wasn’t present in, and when I doubted myself he was the first to remind me that I was more experienced and educated than others I felt I was behind. Mitch pushed me and believed in me and partnered with me when “Integrity Nutrition” was just “Cam Brown Fitness”. He was there at the start. Mitch passed away in the spring of 2022. I hit a major wall and almost quit the industry altogether. There’s no doubt in my mind that without him guiding me and directing things from above that Integrity Nutrition would have never reached the levels that it has today. My shoutout goes to my guardian angel Mitch who is missed every day.

Website: www.integritynutritioncoaching.com

Instagram: @coachcambrown

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachcambrown

Other: Join our community where we host free trainings, educate and encourage women around the country on their journeys! https://www.facebook.com/groups/335225074661233

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.