We had the good fortune of connecting with Tara Kiprik and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tara, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?
At the moment, I find myself in the midst of a habit transformation. I am bidding farewell to the habit of tirelessly engaging in daily business tasks and find myself embracing a new practice centered on joy, alignment, and purpose. Instead of rigidly adhering to the notion of doing something for my business every day, all day, I’m now prioritizing activities that bring genuine joy, fun, and resonate with my ultimate purpose.

It’s a major shift from forcing things to allowing them to unfold organically, and recognizing that a loosened grip often leads to smoother journeys. The realization that following external expectations or conforming to conventional practices left my energy feeling stifled. Now, by trusting what feels good and genuinely enjoyable, tasks that once felt burdensome have transformed into sources of delight.

Surprisingly, as I focus on letting my inner child run free—cartwheeling on the beach and reveling in spontaneous laughter—the seemingly mundane tasks, like mastering Calendly or refining website descriptions, take on a newfound sense of fun. Even my skills and offerings are expanding as I allow this new energy to blossom. It’s a delightful dance between the carefree joy of my inner child and the enjoyable aspects of my business. Who would have thought that by prioritizing what feels good, even seemingly unrelated tasks become infused with a refreshing sense of playfulness and fulfillment?

What should our readers know about your business?
Despite the ever-evolving nature of life and the services I offer, one unwavering truth remains—I am dedicated to guiding individuals on an inward journey, helping them unearth the answers and innate healing capabilities residing within. My ultimate goal is empowerment, urging people to fully experience themselves, embracing the entirety of their emotions, confronting and overcoming their fears, and basking in the joy of experience.

I firmly believe that growth and expansion are not just aspects of life; they are our inherent state of being. Each person is a profound experience unto themselves, and my mission is to be the gentle nudge to help guide individuals to delve into their own depths. Often, we find ourselves in a perpetual search for external profound experiences, unaware that the true greatness lies in the human experience itself. The journey of self-discovery, of feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, growing, and expanding, is the very essence of our existence. Yet, we tend to distract ourselves, resisting who we are. Through my work, I encourage individuals to redirect their focus inward, navigating their internal landscapes with curiosity and courage. It’s in understanding the aspects that ail, hinder, or intimidate us that real transformation occurs. Resistance only perpetuates; acknowledgment and understanding pave the way for a profound shift in one’s experience. In embracing and exploring the depths of our being, we unlock the door to genuine self-discovery and lasting transformation.

My ability to guide others through these journeys is rooted in my own ongoing experience and exploration. I can only offer this type of support because I have, and continue to, navigate these inner landscapes myself. It’s through this personal journey that I’ve gained insights, faced challenges, and discovered the resilience needed to assist others on their paths of self-discovery and healing. Whether it’s through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Quantum Healing, Soul Speak, or Past Life Regression, my aim is to provide individuals with an opportunity to reshape their experience of themselves. By delving into the realms of the subconscious, limiting beliefs, emotions, traumas, and inner landscapes, my offerings empower individuals to confront both internal and external challenges with increased ease, comfort, and joy. It’s a transformative journey that opens doors to self-discovery and healing, fostering a renewed sense of resilience and a more vibrant engagement with life’s complexities.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
No trip to Greenville would be complete without soaking up the incredible vibes of Falls Park, nestled right in the heart of our beloved city. The first time I strolled across that bridge, it felt like stepping into a magical wonderland, and I couldn’t help but think, “Do people really get to live here?” The greenery of the landscapes, the flowing water and quiet flutter of the people meandering through make it feel like home no matter where you are from.

Continuing through the park and following the Swamp Rabbit Trail is a joy, taking you through a delightful mix of breweries, bustling markets, cozy cafes, and towns that seem to smile back at you. It’s like the trail has a personality of its own, and you’re invited to join the adventure! And when it comes to good eats, our new favorite place is Nose Dive Gastropub. Located on the main drag of our downtown, its the best eats with a gluten-free friendly menu that is sure to high-five to your taste buds. I don’t know of many other places you can go to get chicken and waffles, fried green tomatoes, fish & chips, mac & cheese, and even grilled cheese, all available gluten free!! And delicious! And if I’m shouting out to all my gluten free people, Sidewall Pizza makes their own gluten free crust; it is light, fluffy, and deliciously crisp on the outside.

There are so many magical outdoor places to explore, you can often find me at one of the many many waterfalls, on hiking trails, exploring parks, or kayaking on one the gorgeous lakes. From lavender picking to harvesting fresh blueberries to walking through fields of sunflowers, it’s like one magical landscape after the next. There is just so much to do, we would never get bored or hungry!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Numerous individuals have influenced my journey, making it a challenge to single out just one. My mother stands out as a remarkable figure who, despite advocating for safety and security, throughout my life has instilled in me a spirit of inquiry. She has been a constant source of inspiration, broadening my perspective on myself, what I can create and the power of my intention. She now jests, claiming that the roles have reversed, and the student has become the teacher. There was one instance that significantly shaped my world in more recent years, and that was a book my mother gave me at the age of 16 – Neale Donald Walsch’s “Conversations With God.” Although I held onto it for nearly two decades before I diving into its pages, when I finally did, the impact was nothing short of life-changing. The words within felt tailor-made for that precise moment, words vibrated off the page, as if the universe, God, and myself had been planning it forever.

In the grand tapestry of my journey, my fiancé emerges as a steadfast pillar, my reliable confidant who, despite my expectations, never dismisses my ideas as crazy, even when they change from moment to moment. His unwavering support has been a grounding force, allowing me to explore the depths of myself and my aspirations with confidence and resilience. And it’s not just these significant figures; the family, friends, colleagues, collaborators, and acquaintances I’ve met along the way have been nothing short of life-altering. From the smallest smiles to the most profound insights, each interaction continues to leave a mark on my life. I am eternally appreciative for the rich experiences we share.

Website: www.cosmicqhht.com

Instagram: instagram.com/taraqhht

Facebook: facebook.com/tara.k.562

Youtube: youtube.com/@TaraQHHT

Other: Check out this exclusive, unpublished video where I explore all the ways your past lives could be affecting the life you are living now: https://mailchi.mp/fd8a7ce2f6e0/past-lives

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