We had the good fortune of connecting with Tiffany Manges and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tiffany, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
You know just a few years ago I would have said “What’s that?” But now being a woman whom owns 2 businesses and homeschools her children, while also making sure I have time everyday to go on walks, do yoga, make home cooked meals (because I enjoy cooking and baking) among actually living my life…I can say there can be a balance. It’s important to remember to give yourself a little grace however, because sometimes not everything in life is going to go perfectly. I now know that even as “super human” as my life sounds on paper, it’s important to have a support system and it’s important to remind myself that I’m not always going to excel at being a mom or wife or business woman every single day and thats ok.

It was definitely not like this in the beginning though. I said yes to EVERYTHING that came my way, because money is money, right? Or at least that was my mindset. I was constantly hustling; missing out on family time, sleep, a life. It didn’t occur to me that I was running my self ragged until spring of 2022 actually. I hit this BIG wall with my health and it was scary, relentless, turned my entire world upside down really. I was quite literally forced to slow down, focus on my health and get myself to a place where I could recognize me again. If I’m being honest I’m quite grateful for that wall that I hit head first into because I’m healthier than I’ve ever been both physically and now mentally as well. It feels good to have this new found balance in my life. It’s what gave me the courage to make many changes over this last year and a half both with my work and life. My advice if you’re struggling to find a balance in your work and life and find yourself running on fumes; is to listen to your body, to what your intuition is telling you, and find a support system. If it’s not bringing you happiness or excitement then it’s not on your path. It’s ok to say no and put your other priorities first and yes your health is a priority too.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Oh it’s never easy as a creative. Or at least not from my aspect. To be so sure in your work, fight imposture syndrome, decide who you are and what you want the world to see, all of it is tough. But I also wouldn’t change any of it because when you’re FINALLY in a place where your work brings you immense joy and you discover so much about yourself, no one can take that a way from you. Self discovery is forever evolving; I know for me and my work I evolved many times over the last 9 years of being a photographer. From deciding I was going to exclusively photograph women’s portraiture, typically scantly clad of course as most boudoir is. To now photographing said women’s portraiture solely in black and white. Each evolution brought fear, uncertainty, but also excitement and this feeling of knowing I’m doing exactly what I am meant to be doing. That fear I think is what holds many of us back. “Will I lose clients?” “Will people relate to what I’m projecting into this world?” ect, ect, Luckily for me, I just happen to be one of those people that if it weighs heavily on my mind I just do it. Jump head first and figure it out. Most call that impulsive, I call it methodically impulsive, as there is a method to my madness. I’ve learned over the years though to just trust my self and if it’s something that I can’t stop thinking about, then there’s a reason for that and one of my favorite affirmations is “I WILL NOT let fear stop me”.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Well it really depends on the time of year but overall we’d for sure visit Columbia; eat at Market on Main, walk the Riverwalk. On another day hike at Peach Tree Rock, later that evening go to O’Haras Pub house and then walk next door to their bakery for dessert, perhaps hit up Craft Axe Throwing on the same street. And on Saturday of course head back to Columbia for the Farmers market.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Oh there are so many that have impacted the success I’ve had…to name a few Sue Bryce Education and many of the talented photographers that have graced the stage of the Portrait Masters. Of course my husband and my friends who I bounce ideas off of, and support me every step of the way no matter the ask. A few inspirational books I’ve read and am currently reading and rereading would be the “Women Who Run With Wolves”, “I’m A Badass At Making Money”, and “The 4 Agreements” to name a few. Plus I’m a sucker for podcasts. So yea…all of it.

Website: tiffanymariestudios.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffanymariestudios/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffanymariestudios

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/tiffany-marie-studios-gilbert-2

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