We had the good fortune of connecting with Dereck Malone and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dereck, what’s something about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?
How much really goes into it all. Being a fulltime content creator seems glamorous to the naked eye! Most people just see the rewards and give no validation towards the structure of it all. They don’t see all the behind the scene stuff we do! For my niche I travel the United States and eat food showing off mom and pop shops. I literally eat for a living. Most tend to think I just turn on a camera and eat then supply my review. I’m all reality i work 60-80 hours a week, between traveling, recording, editing and meetings. On top of that im in a gym 2.5 hours daily 6 days a week just to maintain. No one understands the mental strain of working out so much at the age of 41 for next to no improvements. You have to have a grinders mentality while being in the best mental state possible. I take what I do serious for the establishments we show off and it requires more work than any regular 9-5. It all makes sense when those places reach out and state we changed their life’s. Trusting the process is never easy in this line of work but I’m so humbled to make a difference in the world leading with integrity, professionalism and a good heart. A lot of outsiders don’t understand how important your community is. They are vital to every piece of content I release and couldn’t ask for better people, like minded people who just want to help people anyway we can

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’ve been a full time content creator for 10 years! For 8 of those years I was a professional video game streamer. Tons of ups and downs in that industry but I never gave up. Eventually I took a role with an elite gaming company called hyperluxe where I helped build that team from the ground up! Eventually I dabbled into the tiktok world and started doing food reviews. My girlfriend made me go out on dates nights shortly after covid restrictions were lifted and I noticed places were shitting down left and right. I thought to myself if I can get one person through a restaurants door Then mission accomplished! I’m just 2 years we have done 22 states. I’ve been on Fox News, 9 magazines and 40+ newspapers and recently interviewed with the New York Times. It hasn’t been easy because my grow was so quick we are now over 714,000 followers on just tiktok alone and almost 1.5 million followers on all my social medias. There’s a lot of haters and snakes out there who will want you to fail. People who can’t stand people winning. Remember that’s something they are dealing with internal and has nothing to do with you. Know your self worth and keep pushing

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’ve done over 500 reviews and have no chill time in the near future. Some of my favorites in South Carolina would be on folly beach. Chico feo is one of my all time favorites. I also loved jack of cups and you can’t beat the rooftop bar in Charlesto

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for my community of like minded people who just want to provide positivity and get people seen! We believe everyone has a story worth seeing.

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Other: Tiktok: snipingfordom

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.