We had the good fortune of connecting with Mr. Enlightenment and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Mr., do you have some perspective or insight you can share with us on the question of when someone should give up versus when they should keep going?
It’s always a tough decision to give up. I don’t think you can ever give up something that you’re passionate about. It’s important to take breaks at times, but as long as you enjoy doing something, you shouldn’t give up doing it.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I think what sets me apart from other poets is my delivery. I have a heavy hip hop influence, so I deliver my words similar to a rapper. I’m also a big sports fan, so I’m known to have some references of popular athletes or sports moments in my poetry. I’m proud of the progress that I’ve made over the years. I performed at my first open mic in 2010. In 2023, I’m proud to say that I’ve sold 100 copies of my latest release, Flicker Poetry.
I’d say I’ve reached a certain level of popularity due to my interactions with people on social media. I have been posting my work for years on Facebook and Instagram. I don’t always get the engagement on posts or releases that I want, but the positive feedback from people that enjoy my work make it easier to keep creating and sharing.
I want people to know that my brand is all about being positive. I write about my life and the experiences that come from having a glass half full mentality.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
The first thing we’d do is go to Shem Creek for happy hour. There’s nothing like some cheap drinks with a great view. Another spot that we’d have to visit is Juanita Greenberg’s. It’s a come as you are type of place, and the people and conversations are great. I would also take them for a walk around downtown. We’d check out some rooftop restaurants for a view of the Ravenel Bridge. I’d be doing my friend a disservice if we didn’t stop at a few dive bars: we’d have to hit up The Recovery Room, AC’s, and The Royal American.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I want to dedicate my shoutout to all the people that have purchased a book or cd, told someone about my work, came to a show, or bought some of my merch (merch game fluorescent). I like to refer to my supporters as “The Enlightened”.

Website: www.passdalight.com

Instagram: instagram.com/kilowattpoet

Facebook: facebook.com/passdalight

Youtube: youtube.com/@kilowattpoet1

Other: My latest book, Flicker Poetry, is available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYR8KHMQ Mr. Enlightenment on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6F6VFAQlyKo2XLglqOny8k?si=a0Tydt_WQtq4aHe56DO4oA Mr. Enlightenment on Apple Music https://music.apple.com/us/artist/mr-enlightenment/1251530234 TikTok @kilowattpoet

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSouthCarolina is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.